It was this exact issue that made me start asking questions. It was a talk at a CA, same line; the world is ending, education is a waste of time etc. Our kids were teenagers and I wanted something better for them. That was in 1988.
Our CO gave a talk to kids. Stay OUT of school!
by easyreader1970 56 Replies latest jw friends
I must have hit the softer side... I was encouraged to go to college, by elder dad. Only good piece of advise that man gave me.
well that, and don't pee into the wind. -
darth frosty
Here is what I love about witnesses and education. They tell their young-uns not to seek out higher education...But, When they convert someone who is a doctor or lawyer they make sure to point out the persons occupation.
Bring the light, you really think higher education is just for trying to get wealthy? It may be for you, but some of us actually want to LEARN something. If you want to make money there are much better ways of doing so than going to college.
The Watchtower doesn't want people to lean things, even on their own!
Wasn't learning Biblical Greek put down recently?
The reason is obvious, The Watchtower wants free reign in saying anything it wants to. If many of the Witnesses knew subjects such as Biblical Greek and history, the Watchtower would have to be more careful about what it writes, any mistakes it might make would have a higher chance of being pointed out, the Watchtower would not like that as it doesn't really care for any attention being directed towards any errors they make.
Darth Frosty:
You make a valid point. For a specific example of this concept that can be documented in a written publication of Jehovah's Witnesses, please see the following link:
Wordly Andre
This is in my top 10 things I hate about the JW's
Mr Ben
Killing your mind has always been our policy.
I is a word slowly being deleted. There is no "I"! Only "Organisation"!
Never give in to the Devil's temptation to be edukated!
Good news. A professor joins the Borg - that proves we have the truth!
Dumb is good, dumb is good, dumb is god...
U r being watched! U r being edukated much well at the KINGDUMB HELL!
Mother is watching you!
Bethel is edukating you!Heaven? That's not for the likes of you, scum!
Everlasting life for... everlasting meetings, everlasting JC's, everlasting guilt, everlasting singleness...
Live your life for the Borganisation!
Lose your mind to the Borganisation! -
Isn't there a thread where someone quoted a brother as saying, "we're losing all the smart people!"
Wasn't it Barbara Harrison Grizzuti, who told the story of leaving Bethel and having to sit down with Knorr and explain herself? As I recall, the exchange went something like this:
"You were class valedictorian in high school, right?"
"Okay, but you were smart."
"It's always the smart ones."
That may not be verbatim but I think it's close.
Jehovah's people need jobs that they don't have to think about after they leave for the day [yes, he actually said that].
What a frikkin' IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mindless, unfullfilling work is one of the major things that contributes to stress.
All the same, as others have already mentioned, they are sowing the seeds of their own destruction, which is just fine with me.
I have known so many really smart Dubs who should have gone to college but threw their natural talents away on an organization that cares only about self aggrandizement.
It was the exact same BS when I graduated from HS in 1974. Fortunately, I left the BORG, wised up when I was 41 and went back to school--I'll be finished up with 2 advanced degrees within the next couple of months.