Ok, "leaving" can be mental &/or physical leaving.
What time in your life did you start?
by White Dove 21 Replies latest jw friends
Ok, "leaving" can be mental &/or physical leaving.
What time in your life did you start?
I was way in the "truff" when I started school. I started an undergraduate program in 1984. I did not make a big deal about it within the congregation. Most people knew but did not say anything directly to me.
I started and completed college as a dub back in the 80's. I didn't catch much flack for it. I managed to keep up with kids and college and still make all the meetings and weekend field service. I don't know how? I don't know what they said behind my back and I still don't care.
I encouraged my kids to go to college and they have. It makes life a little easier to have a degree and a marketable set of skills. If you have the chance to get a degree, go for it.
I started and completed college before leaving. This was from 1995-1999. There was an Awake magazine that came out that year that in my mind seemed to soften their position on college, although the purpose was supposed to be to support yourself in the "full-time" ministry. That was the goal in my mind when I started.
There was one of those evil worldly "philosophy" classes that laid a few seeds of doubt.
But when I graduated and moved away from my parents for my first real job, I like a good little dub, immediately searched out the nearest Kingdom Hall and started attending and participating as regularly as I had in my old congregation. By the time I graduated, the notion of using my degree to get a part-time job and pioneering had pretty much left my mind. But when I got my job and realized that flexible schedules could allow me to work 40 hours in 4 days, there were a few moments where I thought about at least auxiliary pioneering by using most of my time on 3 days of the week. Fortunately, something triggered some serious thinking about what I believed before I did that.
After, of course....in my 30's.
I started before... and the logical thinking I learned was a factor in my leaving...
Mid-fortys after getting DFed. Had my BS in 3 1/2 years.
I started college after I escaped the tower.
I couldnt keep at it with work conflicts and raising a son and taking care of a wife.
I was able to get through English, comp and literature, and Algebra with A's, which proved to me I could learn and achieve with out a wactower monkey on my back.
I did misserable in school, because the witnesses told me it wasnt necessary and I didnt pay attention and never did home work.
With the classes I took on my own and Sheriffs Law enforcement classes I have pretty close to 2 years of college.
I started taking college courses at a community college in 1987 when my employer offered to pay my tuition. I was still a JW at the time, but had severe doubts. It was a long process, I finally got an associates degree in Business Administration in 2003. There were a few years in there where I didn't take any courses, so it was an off-and-on thing. i certainly got no support on it from my JW ex. Basically, any time she saw me trying to study she would go out of her way to start a fight about something so I couldn't get any studying done. I finally finished the degree after we divorced and I remarried.
I continued taking courses after I got the A.S., this time with Moody Bible Institute. I should be on line for my B.S. in Biblical Studies with the class of 2009 at the age of 57.
And they told me I'd never finish college before Armageddon got here...
After. Definitely.