I concur with what Bridgette related.
Just last month some friends and I cast the runes, mostly for entertainment, I think. However, I personally found the readings very interesting, not just my own, but the rune reading of the others. And, I was surprised to find myself thinking about their 'messages' frequently, for several days, considering how different emotions play a part in our daily lives.
My youngest daughter, and several of her women friends, often have rune parties, and as my daughter said to me, "I enjoy them, it allows you to focus on one aspect of your emotional make-up and see what part it is playing in your life, either negatively or positively."
I've even thought of purchasing a set for myself, as something to do privately or in a group, now and then. The various emotions/feelings addressed by the runes are ones that are part of all of us: anger, compassion, sensitivity, guilt, resentment, love, hate, forgiveness, vulnerability, etc.
By casting a rune and contemplating the accompanying 'reading' I think you learn to focus on that particular emotion as to how it affects you as an individual - not a bad thing I think.
For those that are really into the runes, this would probably be a too simplistic explanation...but it's good enough for me at this time. So, if it helps you, or me, or anyone see how our emotions/feelings play-out in our daily lives, and assists us in being more observant of our own and others' behaviors, I see nothing wrong with 'casting the runes.'
P.S. And, I didn't even have one demon pay a visit! Oh wait, maybe one jumped into my elbow, come to think of it. Larc said I elbowed him more than usual that night, BWA, hahahahaha. :)