Americans don't like facing the fact that regardless of what it is called, their government is imperilistic. It protects its own interests. As any country does. What creates the problem is that when America stands tall and proud and lectures the world on freedom and democracy, while actively supporting, funding, and engaging other governments to step on their own populace's throats to thrwart freedom. America (the corporation) is only interested in "freedom and democracy" so long as it doesn't interfere with the free flow of moneys, profits, and commodities (oil).
To convince Joe American that he is a "god fearin Christian" they wave the flag, and convince them that by putting an American flag bumper-sticker on their Ford F150 that gets 14 mpg that says "Support Our Troops", they are actually doing something. America Inc, Exxon Corp, Blackwater Inc, and the Saudi Royal family make billions on Joe (Ignorant) American feeling "proud" over his country.