"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.

by digderidoo 230 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    Why does America always bomb other countries? It doesn't.
    An estimated 50,000,000 people died in WWII including around 2,000,000 Japanese. Anyone familiar with German weaponry and their air superiority, understands the dilemna that the rest of the world faced.

    Its been 'bombing' other countries for... put near 6 years in a row.

    Nice, how does that compair to the question here? Oh ya, Afgan weaponry? Iraqi air superiority? Right on dude... gotcha. I think the question was WHY, not HOW.

    A historical perspective may help your son not to become hysterical.

    I dont remember his son becoming hysterical.... Dig did your son become hysterical?

  • JH

    IP SEC , give me your milk money or I'll bomb ya

  • IP_SEC
    IP SEC , give me your milk money or I'll bomb ya

    Sorry JH, I dont drink that nasty stuff.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    I dont remember his son becoming hysterical.... Dig did your son become hysterical? The kid is fine. The hysteria is 100% American posters. Read the original post. The kids were asking about WWI and WWII.

  • digderidoo
    I dont remember his son becoming hysterical.... Dig did your son become hysterical?

    No he never became hysterical. It was more of a moan and a sigh, the way he said it.

    Anyway i am off to bed now, good job i aint got work tomorrow ive been glued to the responses here.


  • IP_SEC
    The hysteria is 100% American posters. Read the original post. The kids were asking about WWI and WWII.

    I read the original post. If the Germans would have got hysterical Hitler could have never come to power. If Americans were hysterical we would not be involved in an imperialistic war.

  • digderidoo
    The kids were asking about WWI and WWII.

    The main basis for the conversation were the world wars. But when they got on to the nuclear bombs being dropped they were then basically talking about America now as well. Sorry didn't really make that clear.


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    IP the kids are 11 and 13 year olds asking about WWII. Why not answer the kid giving a historical account of the 50,000,000 million that died, the gut wrenching decision on whether or not to use the bombs in Japan and why.

  • 5go
    Technology has changed how aerial bombing is used in modern war. More precision bombing has resulted in less indiscriminate bombing. The first Iraq war was a prime example. A historical perspective may help your son not to become hysterical.

    No, it hasn't the real numbers show the smart bombs aren't performing any better then their dumb bomb cousins except in one area, pilot survability. You can drop bombs at higher altitudes but that doesn't change the fact you dropped 500- 2000 pound bomb in a city collapsing a building, or buildings. Which does the killing. Then add an intelligence failure and a wrong building being hit it adds up quick. Which the US does a pretty good job of not telling it's civilians that at least 30% of bombs don't hit their targets and kill innocents bystanders.

    In fact one of the first smart bombs dropped during the Iraq war missed and hit civilians.

  • digderidoo

    In fact one of the first smart bombs dropped during the Iraq war missed and hit civilians.

    Also, more British soldiers have been killed in Iraq by American friendly fire than killed by Iraqi's. I can find out the source for this fact if anyone wants it but i really nust go to bed now.

    Goodnight all, Paul

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