I've decided I'm gonna let the chips fall where they may. I feel it's part of my growth here on JWD and how some of you have taught me to stand up , and be authentic towards my relatives ! Don't worry, I'm not losing my mind - but since some of my witness relatives accept my wife and I since our marriage ( my parents) , yet a couple of my siblings waffle somewhat anyway ( my older ex-Bethel brother and ex-Gilead sister ) and are sitting on the fence towards me as a fader - I figured I'd just send pictures of my wife and my wedding to them, my parents, and my nieces and nephews as well ! The way I look at it is at least I'm being polite ,wanting to include them in my life - and whatever and however they want to respond to that will be up to them ! Send just a few pictures to each witness relative , and let the chips fall where they may !
So- What do you folks think of this idea ? Just kill them with kindness as the expression goes? Be authentic , be real, and put the ball in their court if they want to serve it back to me ? I really value your advice my JWD friends , so lay it on me , give it to me , I can take it ! LOL! Remember, I'm not looking at anything super close with my siblings- mainly my parents , which is going well anyway. But I just want to show my family that yes, even we ex-witnesses can show true love , in fact, perhaps they will learn something from it ! As always I look forward to your serious, comical, and all other words of wisdom and advice ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Gonna Be Authentic to My Witness Relatives - Send Pictures - Hell With It
by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends
So- What do you folks think of this idea ? Just kill them with kindness as the expression goes? Be authentic , be real, and put the ball in their court if they want to serve it back to me ?
Ever hear of casting pearls before swine? Remember what it says happens when you do?
Don't complicate your life, simplify it.
Awakened at Gilead
Send them the pic of the cross around your neck (for decorative purposes, of course)...
if you want to send them pictures, send them pictures. They can respond as they please. If they don't respond, well, screw 'em. You don't have to keep making overtures to them.
Hi Flipper....
If you're serious about letting everything go.....then let it go....
If not, you must know how testy JW's can be about anything...expect the worst, hope for the best.
Keep us posted!
ANNE B- I agree with you. I certainly don't want them to rip me open like was said swine would do - however I will keep it simple and keep a safe distance - which is not hard as none of them live close to me !
AWAKENED at GILEAD- That is funny ! Send them a picture of me with a cross around my neck , perhaps flashing a peace symbol at them wearing a long hair wig ! That might get their attention ! LOL!
HORTENSIA- Very true what you say ! It's how I look at it too. Send the pictures - let them do with them what they want - if they respond fine- but if not fine too. It won't devastate me.
RESTRANGLED- I agree with you- I do want to let things go - except my relationship with my parents or daughters. But I'm ready as you say to expect any reaction - the worst reaction or the best ! I'll keep you posted . Thanks -
heap the firey coals upon their head man......do it monthly..............oompa
OOMPA- Yeah, you bet. I'll send them so much authentic love each month - they'll start getting sick from it ! LOL! They'll be puking their spiritual guts out
I am not sure i understand why it would be a big deal to send pictures, your not df'd. I guess I don't fully grasp the situation.
Hi Mr. Flipper!
I too don't understand the concern with sending pictures to your family if you are in current communication. (Won't be the first time I don't "get it" lol.)
Overall advice I have learned is to do what is in your heart. Caveat being, not to do things knee-jerk or reactionary, or from strict emotion. Do what is in line with your core principles. You can't go wrong no matter what other's reactions are.
I believe you teach people how to treat you. I think people will see your goodness, and believe in time many will change their values to be more accepting of you and hopefully others.
Good luck!