Hey teejay!
All loyal JWs have to do is point to this scripture and say, "See? Jesus himself said that divisions would happen in families over the truth. Why be surprised?"
Good point there.
Here the Son of Man lays the groundwork for giving his followers the justification and peace of mind in shunning former believers (or so-called apostates), even if those are blood relatives.
When examining the 'stream of thought' that occurs in Jesus' statements in that chapter, isn't it interesting to consider his
serious investment in shattering the existing hold that the talmudic religious leaders had on the (judaic) culture in that day? He consistently tried to expose the hypocrisy and blatantly destructive cult mentality that strangled the free flow of thought.
The religious "leaders", claiming for themselves the right to determine what was "right" and "wrong" for ALL of the jews in their clutches would stop at nothing to maintain their stronghold over people. Their interpretations of the existing scriptures became LAW, and those who dared to question or defy these dictates were cast out (another type of "prison sentance", really...) from their families, communities, and culture; an "outcast" found himself unable to continue to conduct his financial, familial or personal affairs in any previously-enjoyed or normal manner. It was tantamount to spiritual murder.... (they weren't allowed by "Caesar" to actually murder someone physically so they came up with the next worse thing.)
They acquired by insidious force the station - and resultant reverence - of functioning as representatives of "God" and his will. Operating as such, they seized the right to dictate the behavior of the common man, resulting in their controlling people at incredibly intrusive levels. It is a dehumanizing dynamic. We still see it in operation today, all over the world, in microcosms as well as the more observable large organizations such as what is in New York, and in Afganistan.
Isn't Jesus trying to speak to THIS issue in your reference in Matthew 10:34? Wasn't he trying to blast through the stronghold that those mind-killers had on people? He was straightforward about the "costs" it would take to break out of that cult mentality. He inferred that it would probably cost everything a person had, perhaps their very life.
His war was waged against the powerful forces in place - forces that when left unchecked will reduce an individual's ability to have a life, and a mind, and the opportunity to realize human potential.
Never did Jesus advocate forcing HIS or GOD'S or ANYONE'S agenda on anything whether it be a single individual or society at large - resorting to cruel, abusive and hateful if not outright evil tactics if they didn't comply. He DID advocate the right to exist, to think, to CHOOSE, to move around in the beautiful universe with an agenda of love, which should usually result in positive evolution and development of humankind's vast range of talents and gifts to leave behind when they move on... perhaps not on the scale that HE was able to accomplish, but, well, you know what I mean.
Expulsion policies currently practiced by the WTBTS are virtually identical to those utilized by the jewish leaders in the first century. Jesus condemned THOSE guys, and THOSE practices. The "Insight on the Scriptures" volume I, page 787, under the topic "EXPELLING", sub-topic the Sanhedrin and synagogues is proof of this.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts teejay! What prompted you to post this topic? I'm just curious as to what else you are thinking about/contending with lately.
Warm regards to you,