It sounds reasonable to me to think that they may cut out the door-to-door work. (They can find other
supplemental ways to make up the $$, which I don't thing are earning that much anyway in the field ministry.)
Here's why:
Think about it. The WTS may be able to scare their flock into not checking out the internet or
googling "Jehovah's Witnesses", or visiting sites like JWD, Silentlambs, Freeminds, SixScreens,
but if you are a return visit and a witness suggests a study, you are going to check them out first on the
Internet. You are not going to be bound by some directive from the society. Wow....Look at all
the things you are going to find out! Then when the witness makes his/her second or third return visit,
you are going to have all this information off the net to discuss with them. The JW in this situation has
to listen and discuss this information. Merely stating it's all lies from the devil or evil apostates is not
going to go over with an "interested" householder. Not a good thing for the WTBTS if they want to keep this stuff
hidden from the flock. prediction is the door-to-door ministry will be history soon and they will use
some scripture about the ark closing or the sheep and goats have been separated or something else that will
end it on a nice scriptural note.