journeyon said: Other reasons why I think the door-to-door ministry as we know it today is on shaky ground: .....It's DANGEROUS out there nowadays. With so many druggies, pedophiles, mental cases, etc., is it really wise to approach a strange house?
Have no fear: the door-to-door ministry is not on shaky ground, at least as far as WTS goes. The July Craptower (study article) is devoted entirely as to the importance of preaching door to door. I skimmed through the article yesterday and they have one "worldly" quote "confirming" that the Apostle Paul preached door to door. When I get a minute, I plan on checking that quote out very carefully, given the Society's unfortunate habit of taking things out of context whenever it suits their purpose.
....GASOLINE PRICES!!!! Need I say more.
They don't give a shit about the price of gas. The Bookstudy was most likely amalgamated with the TMS simply to boost the attendance record, end of story. Let's face it: if they don't care about members dying due to the ban on blood transfusions and if they have no qualms about protecting pedophiles and silencing victims of this horrific crime, you really think they give a rat's ass about how much people are spending on gas?
....LAWSUITS. If you get in an accident while out in service, can the org be sued. I seem to recall something about this recently.
This is such a longshot, it's not even on their radar. Anyone who goes out in Service is a "believer" and the repercussions of suing 'Christ's brothers" while doing this um, life-saving work, would never even occur to the R&F. First of all, you're there as a "volunteer". Second, if you're in an accident, your car insurance would pay for the damages. I'm not aware of anyway the WTS could be sued while someone's out in Service, but if I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
Sorry----the idea that they're trying to phase out Field Service is paramount to the idea that they're struggling financially and are about to go belly-up: It's just wishful thinking. They'll never get rid of Service because it's one of their core beliefs and practices, no matter how useless it is.