You know, Dad, I feel very embarassed about something. Could I talk to you about it in private?
I feel bad and want to get something off my chest. You remember when you asked me about meeting attendance? I didn't answer honestly.
That's right. I felt the need to lie to you and that is a clear breach of my love for you. I need your help. Can we talk?
I ask that you hear me out in full. Then, whatever you might want to ask or say would be most welcomed by me. I love and respect you and think you only have my best interests at heart. Just as I have my own kids best interests at heart.
First off, I haven't gone to meetings in almost a year!
Sounds bad? It is. But, it is bad for a different reason than you might suspect. I haven't gone because I haven't been able to figure out how to get the help I need from the brothers there. This is what I mean.
I have gone from confident absolute certainty to a sickening feeling of being fooled about some important things--things I can't get anybody to help me with BECAUSE---and this is essential that you understand, Dad---BECAUSE there is nobody who cares about me at the Kingdom Hall. I know that because they won't listen to problems--they try to shoo them away like troublesome flies.
There is no help for me as a STRAY SHEEP because none of the shepherd's will leave the 99 and come cradle me in their arms and lead me back to the fold.
What do I mean? Am I blaming the elders for not doing my part for me? Am I scapgoating others? Yes and no!
Hear me out.
I have been reading information which, at first, I thought was bogus about the Watchtower Society's connections with the United Nations. It sounded incredible. I even laughed at it--at first. But, the more I investigated, the more facts came to light. I won't go into it all at this moment. Suffice to say, I felt compelled by honesty and a Berean style curiousity about fact finding to pursue what was truth and what wasn't.
Let me tell you, Dad--it was like opening Pandora's box!! More and more and more awful facts came spilling out about Pedophilia the Society has been covering up and---many other things which weighed heavily on my heart and mind.
I froze. I may have been stunned. I was certainly in a crisis of conscience about it.
Here is where the real problem began---I KNEW I'D BE MARKED AS AN APOSTATE if I even opened a conversation about these things.
I'd be judged without a fair hearing or a chance for conversation and discussion. You know its true!!! It is "shoot first and ask questions later" with the Judicial Committe and I'd be the one shot.
I tried to preserve my status in the congregation by NOT CONFRONTING a kangaroo court who wouldn't even try to clear these matters up (since we both know they are not even allowed to consider them on merit.)
I did the cowardly thing. I AVOIDED confrontation. But, I did a heroic thing as well at the same time---I didn't put myself in the position of acting like a hyocrite. That counts for something as well.
THIS IS WHERE I NEED YOUR HELP MOST--DAD. Could you sit down with me and hear what these problems and contradictions are and help me sort them out? I need somebody who LOVES ME AND CARES ABOUT ME to walk me through this and not SIMPLY ACT LIKE IT IS UNIMPORTANT what is true and what is false.
You see, Dad, I don't want to serve men rather than God! I want to be certain what I believe comes from honest servants of Jehovah and not manipulative cult leaders. Yes, you heard me right---that is how it is looking to me at the moment.
I'M SCARED that I've wasted my life and my children's future by getting us involved in a CULT of mind control!!
Yes--NOW YOU SEE how severe this problem is.
Are you willing to hear me out and walk through this to help me? Or, are you going to be like the elders at the Kingdom Hall who don't care what is fact and what is fiction and JUDGE ME as spiritually sick---as though the FACTS should not even be heard?
Do you LOVE ME ENOUGH to be my shepherd and leave the 99 other sheep and come get me where I am? Or, will you judge me without a fair hearing?
My well-being and that of my children hang in the balance.
I'll say only one more thing and then, it is your turn.
I WILL ONLY WORSHIP from a clear and clean conscience INFORMED by a truth which conforms to facts of reality. I won't just do what some faceless men in Brooklyn tell me to do BECAUSE THEY SAID SO.
Are you ready to help me--Dad? I'm counting on you.