Black Magic and Jehovah

by sinis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sinis

    Ok, I bought a book on Black Magic, and it is very intense to say the least. What I have found interesting, and perhaps some could shed some light, is on the subject of evocation and the use of Jehovah and his angels. Yes, you heard that right. The book describes symbols used with a ritual as well as listing the names of the angels who have dominion over the "air" during certain days and hours. What is truly amazing is that the angels listed are the Michael, Gabriel, Raphiel, etc. - those within the Bible and the book of Enoch. The incantations use the word Jehovah to bind these angels to come forth. When the spirit becomes manifest you are supposed to show it a pentagram, with writing around it that beings it under your control. What is also interesting is that the symbols and name around the pentagram are Jehovah.

    Now why does this form of Black Magic evoke known angels, not demons, and why does it use Jehovah to bind them? It makes me think of the text where it says that Jehovahs name is a strong tower, where all one has to do is evoke the name.

    I believe these rituals cast suspicious doubt on the bible and the fact that if this form of magic did not work, then why the effort? Why evoke the name of angels and a god, especially Jehovah, who says that such things are forbidden (within the Bible). Please don't say its demons using the names of angels and Jehovah to "blind the minds of the unbelievers", for this makes no logical sense.

  • JWdaughter

    My understanding of Christianity is that it is simply paganism all tarted up to look 'refined'. You know, like Eliza Doolittle. Its the same old cultic, earth religion with a few bells, whistles and a sense of superiority. Hmmm. Which all religions have regarding paganism and each other.

    So, that paganism uses the names mentioned in the Bible should come as no surprise. It is the same thing, with the same aims. Try to get god(s) to do your will while claiming to be trying to do THEIR will. Pagans pray, sing, have altars, sacrifice---really, how is this any different than Xianity or Judaism? Trying to please a god and get goodies/blessings out of the god. Hoping the God won't punish you. Hoping you don't displease him and have him send you to hades/hell/anihilation.

  • sinis

    Thanks. It is interesting to you say this, as the author goes into great detail regarding the adoption of Black Magic rites within Christanity - from the robe, to the sacrament, to the very prayers that are uttered. The author breaks down religion (Christanity in particular) from the first century until know and parallels that with Black Magic rites and rivivals within the original Church. He also goes into detail about how some religions use the name Jehovah incessantly as a subconscious form of a talisman that is used quite heavily in Black Magic. I assumed the author was alluding to the JW's and others who use the name Jehovah like its going out of style.

  • Robdar

    Enochian Magick?

  • Morgana

    Originally, this had nothing to do with "Black Magic" - that is a vile defamation and distortion of an ancient holy prayer.

    Actually, this invocation is taken from an evening prayer in the standard Jewish prayer book (the Siddur) that many Jews all over the world pray every evening (with their children) at least since the time of the Babylonian exile if not long before, evoking the protection of the four (sic!) major archangels and the presence of YHVH for the night, usually followed by psalm 128:

    "In the name of YHVH, God of Israel: May Michael be at my right hand, Gabriel at my left, in front of me Uriel, behind me Raphael, and above my head the Presence of God."

    (There are several editions of the Siddur; in the "Authorised Daily Prayer Book" for the United Hebrew Congregations (2006 ed.), e.g., this prayer is on page 251.)

    In prayer, BTW, the divine name YHVH is pronounced "Adonai" (my Lord) in the more liberal circles, and "ha Shem" (the Name) in orthodox Jewish Circles.

  • Narkissos

    Magic implies a popular alternative, underground use of preferably obscure, yet common cultural symbols in every culture that officially represses or rejects it. So it is not surprising that Western magic builds on Jewish, Christian as well as "pagan" symbolism.

    In Judaism, the official taboo on the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton in the last centuries BC made it available for underground magical use, as many ancient papyrii attest. And this went on through the middle ages in Europe, merging with Christian symbolism in esoterical circles.

  • Quirky1

    Ah la peant butter sandwhich!

  • sinis

    Originally, this had nothing to do with "Black Magic" - that is a vile defamation and distortion of an ancient holy prayer.

    Actually, this invocation is taken from an evening prayer in the standard Jewish prayer book (the Siddur) that many Jews all over the world pray every evening (with their children) at least since the time of the Babylonian exile if not long before, evoking the protection of the four (sic!) major archangels and the presence of YHVH for the night, usually followed by psalm 128:

    "In the name of YHVH, God of Israel: May Michael be at my right hand, Gabriel at my left, in front of me Uriel, behind me Raphael, and above my head the Presence of God."

    (There are several editions of the Siddur; in the "Authorised Daily Prayer Book" for the United Hebrew Congregations (2006 ed.), e.g., this prayer is on page 251.)

    In prayer, BTW, the divine name YHVH is pronounced "Adonai" (my Lord) in the more liberal circles, and "ha Shem" (the Name) in orthodox Jewish Circles.

    Sure, whatever... Given your avatar/flag I'd suspect you're a little biased.

  • ARoarer

    I've often felt that the ancient hebrew rituals of the bible were borrowed from the pagan religions as far as blood sacrifices and child sacrifices to appease their gods. The spilling of blood from these sacrifices, including Abraham wanting to sacrifice his own son, and the ultimate blood sacrifice of the son of god, was Jesus. To me the whole idea of any kind of killing of a human or an animal to spill the blood for any god is rooted in ancient pagan ritual which may have been carried over to biblical religions.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead


    Here's my take on this. Black Magic is a method in which you steal energy from an any entity with personal boundaries. You Tresspass. This could be from a spirit, a stranger, a parent, and a child, etc. Most people do not know they are being stolen from but they feel like crap and take a pill for it. White Magic is where you get energy from willing entities like angels who give freely until they feel like they cannot give anymore or else they are in danger. A White Magician can heal a person by amping up the energy (chi) in a sick person which allows the body to heal, although it is the healee's body or spirit that really heals itself. Ultimately, this energy comes from the Source or the Noumenon which is not observable but is reflected in entities. White Magic is based on reality, self knowledge, and has no repercussions down the line. It does not try to control. Black Magic is a slippery slope and is done in levels of severity, based on fear. (Not that fear is not helpful when balanced properly in the mind/spirit/body/whatever.)

    All organized religion that trys to control people is a form of Black Magic. It is like a virus. The common cold and the Ebola virus vary in degrees. The cold infects alot of people but does not kill people generally. Ebola infects only a small group because it tends to kill the host and thus itself. I would say that something like the Catholic Church is a cold and David Koresh is Ebola. Jehovah's Witness are somewhere in between.

    I have posted previosly on my experience with Amazonian Shamans in Peru.

    I hope that link worked. I don't post here much.

    As previously posted, while in the Amazon, the Shaman told me a demi-god showed up during one ceremony and tryed sucking on my soul, or Tresspassing on me in order to feed on me. He said this demi-god was flanked by 3 demons on both sides of him. When I got home, I read that the Gnostics considered Jehovah to be the evil Ialdobolath and that he had created 6 sons who work with him. I figured this must be him.

    Besides this stuff being extremely weird, and being sort of forced into it out of desperation, I am still trying to figure this stuff out myself.

    Now to your question: I think that maybe you can summon these Archangels, who are pathways to the Source and reflect certain forms of energy of that Source. They do not give you love energy willingly so... You you bind them with the Ultimate Thief, Jehovah or Ialdobolath, who has no direct channel to the source. He's an addict. He's a robber. He steals the energy from the Archangels and you get some of it. It's like forcing someone to love you by using fear. It doesn't work, but you may get some sex out of it or false admiration, etc. The bad news is that now you are in THE MOB. And you become an addict and a slave the the Demi-Godfather. Now would be the time for the "Witness Protection Program" joke.

    Anywho, just my opinion.

    "A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest." - Jesus


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