Where do atheists' morals come from?

by dorayakii 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mouthy

    My Father was an Atheist.... Was a very moral man. when I was a kid 11 yrs old I stole some stuff from Woolworths. He made me return it & tell the clerk what I had done...He would visit all the old peoples home to cut their hair free of charge.( he was a barber- before he fought in the 1st world war & contracted smallpox- so barbar shops would not hire him because of his ugly marked face ( poxmarks)
    He was the first one to teach me that using foul language> swearing was ignorance of the right expressive words. So there are many Atheists that behave BETTER than those who profess to be God obedient folk, In MY opinion ( not so humble I guess

  • BurnTheShips
    Not much point continuing the discussion till he calms down....

    O.K. My blood pressure is down, my chest has stopped heaving, but I have wrecked yet another keyboard. Want to continue?

  • hamsterbait

    let's just accept that the statement "GOD IS GOOD" just means that the particular coconut you grovel in front of tells you to do the things you have already decided are right by your nature or nurture.

    In the babble that includes slaughtering babies by the thousands (700 000 000) if the Witlesses god is "good") murdering men who love men, killing the babies of adulterous murderors.

    And yes - I have heard the agrument before "God's ways are higher than mine... the pot cannot question the potter." Funny the pot can call the potter "good" and not get smashed in.


  • IP_SEC

    If it hurts i dont do it
    If it feels good i do it
    If it feels good and hurts i try not to do it
    if it feels good and hurts other people i try not to do it
    if it hurts me and other people i try not to do it

    simple huh? came up with it all by myself.

  • hamsterbait

    YET AGAIN (YAWN) the Sky god believers show an INABILITY to deal with the question this kind of post raises:

    Where do ATHEISTS - hello? - ATHEISTS morals come from?

    All we are getting from the true believers ( Satanists, Thor Worshippers, Hindus, - no! only one brand of fuzzy wuzzy thinker) is :

    "OUR god is bigger and better than you and you betta believe it, or BURN foreva...""

    I am getting so sick of these "non- answers" I am thinking of buying some heavy duty wax-dolls. Some of the more fundie types belive that crap works too.


  • nvrgnbk

    So nvr what morals do you abid by that work on the pain/pleasure principle?

    I'm no moral authority and never claimed to be.

    I'm trying to do the best I can, one day at a time.

  • IP_SEC
    I'm no moral authority and never claimed to be.

    I am my own moral authority.

  • hamilcarr

    All morality is grounded in our evolutionary history. The endosymbiotic theory has shown that from the lowest level upwards, cooperation and symbiosis are characteristic of life. Why would humans form an exception? I think it's a great pity that Dawkins has such a big mouth, because in fact he only represents "a minor twentieth-century sect within the sprawling religious persuasion of Anglo-Saxon biology" (Lynn Margulis). Similar to JWs being considered representatives of Christianity?

  • IP_SEC

    I used an incorrect word in my post. I would like to change the word hurts to damages. Hurt is not always a destructive thing.

  • metatron

    I was deeply amused to hear Richard Dawkins described as "kind of a reptile" by one scientist in Ben Stein's "Expelled".

    Atheists have a great big pile of facts in their favor except, perhaps, one: practical social and political motivation.

    You hear a highly educated man say "there is no God and we all just die and rot" - and who discerns the immense foolishness of such

    statements in regard to mass human motivation? THIS makes the world better? safer? more prosperous? Peaceful?

    are they kidding?


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