Mid-life crisis experiences please.............

by oompa 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    do share please...oompa needs to know if he is mental, or just experiencing really difficult adjustment feelings about being lied to his entire freaking life, and having some difficulties with being so alone after having a freaking worldwide bruddahood of friends........................thanks...................oompa

    I really, really, really wanna get away..........far far away............and think it may help for a total fresh start.......older kids though, and a jw wife...this is going nowhere isn't it

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oompa, I did a mid life crisis thread that got very good responses. Here's the link: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/71966/1.ashx

    Take a look at it while you wait for your thread to receive some thoughtful responses.

  • oompa

    Thanks girl...did it help?...........r u available??????????

  • FlyingHighNow
    I really, really, really wanna get away..........far far away............and think it may help for a total fresh start.......older kids though, and a jw wife...this is going nowhere isn't it

    Oomp, remember when you were a little boy and you'd threaten your parents to run away? And you really did want to run away? You will never outgrow that feeling of wanting to run when times feel tough. Just don't act on it, for where ever you run, there you are. Our problems will follow us. Better to get things resolved and then move on.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Thanks girl...did it help?...........r u available??????????

    The thread is a very good thread. I had passed my crisis by then, but wanted to share and have others share with ones who are right in it or will find themselves in it eventually.

  • oompa

    FHN is that a "yes, I am available after my problems are resolved?"

  • oompa

    FHN is that a "yes, I am available after my problems are resolved?"

  • hillbilly

    I bought a RED pickup truck last time... thats been the extent of my midlife crisis so far.........

    Ooompa... you just need to decide to keep on breathin old buddy. Change what you can ... tolerate what you cant and ignore the rest.


  • oompa
    Hillbilly...Ooompa... you just need to decide to keep on breathin old buddy. Change what you can ... tolerate what you cant and ignore the rest.

    That is pretty damn good advice HB...........thanks...........oompa............simple is good

  • FreedomFrog

    Hi Oompa,

    I don't know if it's mid-life crisis or not but I'm going through something similar as far as wanting to just quit and run away. I've "daydreamed" about running off and starting over but like many of us, we have responsibilities. For me, I have 2 children that depend on me and I think about what it would do to them if I did run away. Besides, running away won't solve my problem because I'll still have the lonely, angry feelings towards some of my situational things.

    What helps me is getting away for a bit like camping. I've camped by myself (of course safe places and basically in my car with locked doors) for a weekend. It's refreshing to me. Another thing I do is "take off" for a day just hiking through the woods with my Kasey Girl (German Shepherd). I feel refreshed.

    When coming out of a high controlled religion, you do lose a lot but it depends on how you handle the stress of it all that will make or break you (IMO). For me, I not only lost my JW friends and family but I lost my husband within a short period of time frame. I won't allow myself to stay idle too long because then I will start to think about what I lost rather than what I've gained. Sure, I slip back into my little hole for a bit (and I give myself that permission) but I make myself to pull out or things can really get out of hand.

    Can you "get away" even for a day? Getting out doors (to me) is refreshing and energizing, is this posible for you?

    At any rate, hang in there.

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