Well, the time is almost here--already. The first of the 2008 Grand Boasting Sessions is almost upon us, and I expect to begin seeing threads about the programs in the coming weeks. Notably, this means some children will be missing the last weeks of school (the program starts on Friday), or at least one day of it, to attend.
I will be looking for any new rules and instructions that have not yet happened. Last year, there was the instruction to stay dressed up while off session and keep the embarrassment badges on. Also, the vending machines were off limits and people were ordered to not display any advertising, including bags and coffee cups from their respective places like McDonald's or Starbucks, or Coke and Pepsi cups.
As many people will still be going for one reason or another, I am interested to see if there are any new instructions or precautions. Or, anything new that they are going to try to get Armageddon coming. For sure, there will be more details about the "valueless things", marriage (which is being currently studied), prayers and persistence in prayer (also current), the upcoming crapt distribution campaign, and those canned experiences where people dropped out of college or refused to go at all.
I also expect to see more about the bans on Myspace, Facebook, and similar sites. And there will be more cautions against independent sources used to verify washtowel doctrines, what to say about pedophile accusations, and refraining from oral sex. Just how far they carry the doctrines, remains to be seen. My advice to anyone that has to go (or chooses to go to take notes for posting), try not to have too much for lunch, and have a puke bag handy.