It is this attitude that is so appalling to non jw's, most people do not believe it and think I am exagerating when I tell them things like this. Wasn't there a woman on this board who either was df'd or left the jw's and her dad made like a memorial page on the internet about her? He used words like 'she was a ....' as if she had passed away. Sick, sick, sick.
I would prefer my children to die than to have them Df'd
by lilyflor 26 Replies latest jw experiences
My mom (normally a very smart lady) told my wife (after I had left) and my wife was still in (i was not df'ed just left and made it quite clear that I would NEVER return) that she was "more worried about Mark than about ______" _______ being a family member who was a witness and was in JAIL for 3 years for pedophilia...
I should have said "well that lack of concern about pedophiles is right in line with 'new light!"
Have heard numerous comments like these and they are sickening. One elder told me that when the big A kicks off, he 'wants to see the wicked die'. Like, he wanted to watch it happening. Do they not realise that it makes them look like a right bunch of mentalist fannies? "Out of the hearts abundance, the mouth speaks".
All these comments remind me of a scene from SPUN with Mikey Rourke ...
Fast forward to 2:30 and listen to his story.
That is the most disgusting thing to say!!!!!!!! People that say that do not deserve to have children in the first place!!
Here in Texas there was a mother who drowned all of her children. She gave a very logical reason as a devout religous person.
They were about to reach the age of "accountability". If they died before they were able to sin and be held accountable, it would guarantee they'd go to heaven.
It sounds apalling, but, it is perfectly logical. Heinously possible thinking because of religious insanity.
What people who become religious fanatics don't ever think about is that HUMAN LIFE is the point of God's grace.
God has no fair or just reason to spare anybody's life at all when measured by righteously perfect standards. Grace means UNDESERVED kindness.
Meaning what?
Who is God saving us from, anyway? HIMSELF!
It is God's judement against mankind that causes us to die in the first place.
My point?
The rationale of the Christian religion is twisted in a pretzol-logic. It shouldn't surprise any of us when devout people try to make it all come out to their benefit by resorting to death or violence or rash acts of saving grace which amount to murder!!
As the computer programmers say: GIGO (Garbage In...Garbage Out)
Wordly Andre
I'm a ghost