Hi everybody!!! Got to share an experience. Because of HIPPA rules, at my place of employment, I have to choose my words carefully.
A large, boisterous, and talkative lady, was... shall we say near me, and we talked. The time was between 8;00 am and 5;00 pm, if you get my drift.
People are always asking me, how I got to very rural Southeast Oklahoma, from the large city 225 miles to the North. I told her, which side of the big city I was raised in. She knew that area!! And it's adjoining neighborhoods. She mentioned a last name, and I bit. OMG!!!! Me and my huge mouth!!!!!
I immediately said "Leroy??" Her eyes got big, and she started naming others. I was in so deep, at this point, I thought "What the Hell!". She knew most all I named off. She asked me how I knew all of these people. I said my parents used to be JW's. (they still are) Oh, the questions that followed!
Was I a JW? Oh NO, I said, I like celebrating Christmas too much! That kinda appeased her. I started downplaying our involvement in the JW's. Saying it didn't last long. I left out that my father was the first PO, and was a big shot, and wrote the newspaper stories about conventions etc... and was one of the most respected elders in the Circuit.
She then tells me, that Leroy is her Brother in Law. I knew he left our cong. to be a CO. She told me, that he is now a CO in ?? Carolina. He and his STILL lovely wife, vacations with them, on their property, 25 miles from my home, and due to be in next month. n rural Oklahoma! OMG
She asks again, before she leaves, what my last name was, also she is trying to remember a brand name of an item to get at the store. I then realize, that she can't remember crap. I may have been given a break!! Since Leroy is coming soon, she can't wait to tell him.
A little more, in a minute