Me and My Big Fat Mouth

by horrible life 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Worst thing.

    Word gets back to Leroy and family, that I am indeed daughter to the great one, and not in the "Truth". The lady then refuses to be seen by me, and requests the other "girl", for her and her 2 older teen sons.

    This would be fine with me, but the "other girl," is leaving in a couple of months. I will be the only qualified and licensed person to help her. (And she needs help) I will see her 4 more times in the very near future.

  • Hope4Others
    I told her my maiden name

    Good idea, hope you won't have to run into her often, and try to remember what you have told her. Although hopefully she forgets.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Can you explain to her that from now on you will have to keep your personal life out of the professional one?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I will have to do something, if she pushes the JW angle. I will just hope for the best. I really have nothing to worry about with the parents. At first I was upset, then I realized it wasn't any big deal. They know I don't go to meetings. But they probably think I still believe.

    About the work aspect, I thought that if she does do some checking up, all it will say, is I am inactive. With some reproof hanging over my head. (25 years worth) LOL

    If she requests the other girl, hopefully the higher ups will understand. BUT...... One of my direct superiors came in at the same time to work, and I saw the WT and Awake in the magazine rack. I took them, and I told my superior that I didn't agree with the religion, and it was a cult, and I had to take them, and toss them. And surely this wasn't allowed?

    She said the administrator was very religious, and tolerant.

    So, I played a few cards, that hopefully won't bite me in the butt also. I kinda feel that things are stacking up, but I probably don't have anything to worry about, but this job, is the most political place I could ever imagine.

  • monophonic

    when i had been inactive for about a year, i was on a temp job and someone had a jehovah's witness calendar on their desk.

    i still had the assumption, b/c i was nice and didn't judge people when i was in, that i could bring it up.

    so i asked her what congregation she went to. it was a congregation i had went to seven years before so i asked how some people were doing. she got that invasion of the body snatchers look b/c i had a goatee, so she said, 'you should go back to meetings'. i said, 'no thanks' and probably something very sarcastic, b/c i get sarcastic when i'm angry, and i didn't talk to her for the rest of the temp job...which i quit within a week b/c the whole place was depressive people, woe is me people, and she had her jw personality turned on, woe is me and the only way i get through every day here is by the grace of god face.

    human potential be damned.

    "you love to be a victim, you love the united states prime time victims show." - gila copter by RevCo

  • FlyingHighNow
    I kinda feel that things are stacking up, but I probably don't have anything to worry about, but this job, is the most political place I could ever imagine.

    I am figuring out that company politics were responsible for another Heather and me both being let go from our temp positions. I was told, too late, by my training mentor that AAA was the one company where she learned very quickly that you better watch very carefully every word that comes from your mouth. She told me, "Don't show your underbelly. Don't show any kind of weakness." She also wondered if I was being "black balled" because I was her trainee and some of the supervisors did not like her. It was just weird. I have never worked for a company so twisted that a new hire who has been told to ask for help when struggling, cannot and should not dare to ask for help.

    It's a scary being without a job, but I am relieved not to work for such a twisted, sick company any longer. I wondered why they had security there. You had to scan to get in and there were two big, hulking security guards there. Why would AAA Michigan need such tight security? The picture becomes clearer everyday.

  • bigmouth

    I feel for you Horrible :wink:

  • joelbear69

    its such a small world that i once ran into myself on the bread aisle of a local supermarket.

  • Hortensia

    wow - that sucks. JW control reaches out again. Well, if she brings it up again, just say, "let's talk about you. How are things going? Did you get the (insert whatever it is she wants)?" Keep turning the talk to her problems, and tell her you are on company time, you'd love to talk to her about old times, but it isn't appropriate.

  • Hortensia

    I am amused that I have an answer for everything but my own problems!!!


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