Peace to you!
So, men control God by their behavior? I don't think so!
No, really, it's true.
God is not forced into action by the deeds of men.
Of course, He is.
Men are, by his perfect standard, corrupt
If you're going by the "perfect" standard, yes, that is correct...
and worthy of death.
This is true, too.
He has pre-emptive summary execution written all over him.
Oh, and so you've seen Him so that you can say that, have you?
The children who made fun of Elisha were torn to shreds by a she bear which God sent to execute judgement. Was it more than Jehovah could "bear"?
See, this is what gets me: you... and folks like you... take your "vision" of God from the Bible... and accounts such as this. Yet, you are angry with Him, so much so that you heap ridicule upon Him, all the while considering yourself to be "knowledgable." Let me ask you, and you tell me, please, IF God is such the heinous, vengeful, ready to return evil for evil, kind of being that YOU believe He is, by means of accounts such as this... why do YOU... not FEAR Him? Why hasn't He struck your puny little b'hind down? You can't have it both ways, dear Terry - either He IS a God of mercy, such that you can speak of Him as you do... and yet live... or you should watch your step. Right?
Now, with that said, I would like to expound TRUTH... about that account and the way of the TRUE God... more correctly to you: the account is false. It is one of many falsities of "the Bible"... that my ancient forefathers used to wreak fear among their enemies... and their fellowman. To control them. I have been permitted to post on this site... over and over and over and over again... "the Bible"... and what it contains... is NOT "all scripture." It has been tampered with... and will yet be tampered with. Things have been added... things have been taken away. Some of the books are NOT inspired... by God OR Christ... and some writings that WERE inspired [by God]... are not included.
How do you know what IS? Well, you can simply TEST "the inspired expression"... just as "the Bible" SAID you should do. That's one way. Another way, particularly when it comes to knowing what God IS like... is to look at His image: Christ. The image of God and the invisible representation of His very being. I ask you... whether you turn to the Bible for the answer or not... where is it written that Christ "returned evil for evil" to ANYONE? Whom did he bring calamity upon? Did he not, even at the last hour, ask that his enemies be FORGIVEN? He did. And yet, he said that HE... "came to bear witness... to the TRUTH." The truth about what? The TRUTH... about God. HE said that everything he knew... and everything he did... he received... from the Father. That just he SAW the Father DOING... he DID.
So, you can continue in your contradictory exercise of attempting to know the TRUE God... by using what you've read in the Bible. But you will never accurately reconcile what you read there... with what He IS. For much of it... is false.
Men act according to their nature.
Their human nature, that is.
For the most part, yes.
This human nature, since Adam, is de facto unworthy of life. It is only by God's special grace (undeserved kindness) they exist at all. {On another thread I raised the issue of how God justified UNDESERVED kindness toward man since there is no just basis. That went more or less unanswered.}
I am sorry I missed that, but I agree with you here...
I've stated that the high expectation of sudden reversal of status (faithful rewarded and wicked punished) held by Messianic Jews deteriorated into self-action (rebellion against Rome which brought swift destruction) and consequences. The Christianized Jews were divided into two camps more or less. One camp declared Jesus a new kind of Messiah (suffering and dying and resurrected). The other camp declared Jesus more than an ethnic liberator, but, a demi-god.
Either way, the core subject here is MAN'S REACTION to his own expectations and how humans keep justifying failed expectations by changing their premise.
Okay, and, again, I agree...
God's mercy is just another way of saying "WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN DIDN'T HAPPEN."
Ahhhh, I see! And I disagree. I agree that many USE the premise of the HOPE of God's mercy to excuse their false prophecies. Some use God, some use "the fates," some use "karma"... some use "the universe." It is our "nature" to excuse our foibles... personal or community. That, too, started with Adam, yes? True, he BLAMED God... and many of us do, too. But some do not; rather, they realize that THEY were wrong, not God.
But I think that's not what you mean here; I think what you mean is that my position that God has not acted because of His mercy is just a way of saying that what I thought was going to happen didn't/hasn't happned. And you couldn't further from wrong. I have NEVER "craved the day of JAH." Never. I have never wanted "the end" to come. True, I know it will... and true, I am expecting a releasing as a result... but my puny little life... whether in flesh OR in spirit... has never been worth those that will be lost.
And I have never thought that it should... or would... come in my lifetime. Given that the TRUE day... Armageddon... doesn't occur until AFTER the 1,000 years have ended, and the 1,000 years don't even start until my Lord returns such that EVERY eye will see him... and he hasn't yet returned... what would be the POINT? None... other than a gleeful delight in seeing Gog and Magog destroyed. Which is... and has always been... to ME... one of the most repulsive desires I can imagine. I use to HATE it when the "brothers/sisters" would leave the door of someone who wasn't "interested"... while mumbling "goat" under their breath. How HATEFUL!! How UNLOVING!! How the heck do WE know who the Most Holy One will reserve? God shows mercy to whomever HE wishes.
That makes your response fit in to the category of a kind of excuse or rationalization men come up with to explain the so-called delay.
Yes, I thought that was what you meant.
"Oh, God is showing mercy that is why Jesus hasn't returned yet."
Well, actually, I did not answer that in entirety. My Lord has not returned... because our "place"... has not yet been fully prepared... AND... not all of "us" have been sealed [in our foreheads].
"Oh, Jehovah is holding back on Armageddon so that every one who can be saved has a chance."
These are not the same thing, not at all. There's at least 1,000 years separating the two.
None of this makes a bit of sense because the delay itself allows more time for more humans to be born THUS NEEDING MORE TIME FOR THEIR OWN CHANCE.
Thus, adding to the number that WILL be saved... contrary to the LIES propagated by our Adverary.
See? What is needed is an addendum to the prophecy declaring no more children will be born to humanity after a certain point. The ones already alive are allowed to reach an age of maturity and choice. THEN, the end comes.
Why would that be necessary? What you write here suggests that children can't know God. But you are incorrect. Indeed, some knew Him, by means of knowing Christ... before they were ever born. You assume that our life starts only when we come into this world.
But, that is too far-sighted, logical and plain spoken to have been set down in scripture.
Actually, it's not. Could be it'll end up as it did at Sinai afterall: where only those age 20 and UNDER... were saved (oh, Lordy, now don't go running all over creation teaching THAT!).
You really ought to read your Bible carefully, dear Terry, if you're gonna use it to try malign the Most Holy One of Israel.
I bid you peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,