Hi Tor,
I didn't take the Channel C board over by any means. Discussion of the early Church fathers caught the interest of many of the discussants. When I posted my citations and commentary, they freely interacted with them.
The beauty of a forum of that nature is that a lack of interest in a topic can cause the topic to stop dead after the initial posting, thus precluding the possibility for one to commandeer the forum. Put another way, if discussion of the ante-nicene Church did not interest the group, the group would have expressed as much by simply ignorning any submissions dealing with said topic. There was no reason to shut down the forum or threaten such a shut-down. The forum very much enjoyed the discussions - with the exception of two or three folks - as evidenced by the vigorous participation of many of the members.
Furthermore, I do not ask that anyone acquiesce to my way of thinking. I simply wish to express my views - views which were shared by other members of the forum. Why should Jim Penton be allowed to constantly express his view of scripture, history and the nature of the Church and not I? Why isn't he told to keep his views about the malignity of organized religion to himself? If he can fulminate against the Churches of Christendom with impunity, why can't I say beautiful things about one of them? Isn't that what free conversation is all about, Tor?
I never insisted on my way, either. I simply responded to questions and posts of other forum members. If they had no interest in what I had to say, they could have expressed that much by their silence. But, alas, silence came by imposition not by the general consensus of the board's participants.
>>You were asked several times to tone down the diatribes and you simply put up a blind eye to the repeated requests, even poking fun at the admins attempts to quell the runaway Catholicism freight train.>>
Again, on what basis are some diatribes permitted and others forbidden? Moreover, I poked fun at the admins ridiculous attempt to control the content of the discussants' posts by jury-rigging the site so that Catholic sounding words appeared in a form more in line with her own theology. (i.e. if one typed the word "priest" it showed up as "elder." If one typed the word "Church" it showed up as "congregation").
>>You seemed to be like a JW elder on a roll in a judicial committee meeting, so cocksure of himself that the party under interrogation was guilty, and that by God you were going to beat it out of them till they folded.>>
Others like Tom Cabeen, Jeff Schwehm, Jim Whitney and others would testify contrarily.
>>Of course that was some time ago and I have slept since then. I bet you never took no for an answer at the door back in your JW field service days either>>
I was a Jehovah's Witness for all of a year and a half. And during that time I was traveling with my job and didn't do much door to door ministry at all. So, I can't say I can relate to the whole Jehovah's Witness culture, much less mindset.
>>At least that was my impression from reading "some'"of your material. (Noone could have possibly read it all) ;-) >>
What's your name, Tor? Perhaps I'll remember you from the good old days of Channel C:>)
With affection,