My JW evil twin has emerged

by oompa 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I have let my wife know many times that it is me that has changed not her...and I know it has been very hard on her and not really fair. But now on the rare occasion I mention something like why the hey would God ever let these earthquakes occur, and what in the heck does that have to do with universal sovereignty, and what an unbalance puishment thousands of years of death is for two people eating a fruit.....she will stand....pace....sound defiant...more like a drill instructor than a wife or dub...and just rattles off the indoctrinazation....scary..I could feel the icepick through my ribs.....This is a new development...and I wonder if the elders are "strengthening" her. BTW....God kills them in earthquakes so they will know they should be serving him??? and he will stop it someday and raise all he killed...just undo it.

    If you look for explanations about natual disasters from dubs...they are pathetic and lacking....they have nothing to do with satan or how man worships.....just BS......oompa

  • oompa

    Hey guys...she is not a mini-me.....she has a real weird jw thingy twin..........oomps

  • Hope4Others

    I only see as I can relate to myself that it is scary, her belief system will all come crashing down if she listens to you. You feel threatened

    to hear anything contrary, as where will you go? Keep at it though I did cave



  • wings

    Just a suggestion....keep the evil twin at bay......bring her flowers. (we girls love flowers)

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    You have a very weird situation on your hands oompa and I personally have great empathy for you , it can't be a lot of fun having a wife

    that is so indoctrinated in this cult that that she cant think rationally in any kind of a balanced way, this is a dilemma for you no question about it.

    JWS to me is such silly grade school religion, that has so much ignorant dumb man in it , I really can't honestly believe the people involved with it

    could possibly have anything more that a below average I.Q, not to take a shot at your wife, but I guess fear is more powerful than intellect in some people.

    Fear and control brings power and money and the WTS has learned this well over the years, all to the detriment of the general public.

    Its true though when people have been trained to think a certain way for some its deemed not worth the effort and the fear of what if kicks in.

    I personally still think the best way to de-program a JW is to show them the corruptness of what they say and of what they preach and then let the

    individual respond to the information given and try and make them see for themselves how this book publishing company culls people in, in not too much of an honest way.

    Take care.

  • carla

    How long do your 'discussions' last? Have many all dayers yet? Those are just so lovely. It seems to be a pattern with ubm's I have been in contact with, you can go a few months even up to 4 months!!! without any jw discussion and it is heavenly. Don't get me wrong the pink elephant still follows you around but at least a good long stretch of no things jw. Then what? do they need to get some extra time in or what? figure an all dayer is a good 6 1/2 hours and they look like super dubs to the elders! we ubm's are so damn helpful.

  • JK666


    This doesn't seem like a new development. She is the one that turned you in before to the elders, right? Just a dose of reality, my friend.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    stay strong bro

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Oomps, I wish there was a magic potion to share for curing the JW induced blindness.

    I like Wings suggestion of flowers or something nice. Maybe a reminder that you love her will distance the bOrg related issues for a bit.

    Best Wishes, Hang in there, etc.

    B the X

  • sass_my_frass

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