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Watchtower Comments (5.26.08) PROPAGANDA & FALLACY
by V 64 Replies latest watchtower bible
Repudiate "Valueless Things"
I could not believe this article when it came out. I probably read it a dozen times and I say that without hyperbole.
Paragraph 17 & 18 just floored me. If someone is critical of the truth, dont defend the truth, dont teach him the truth or show him the error of his ways, no, instead ask yourself if this one is acting in harmony with the bible? What the hell does that mean? What does that have to do with anything? How would you determine if he is or not? They just changed the subject and the JW continues along as if the WTS has made a sustantiated statement when in reality they said nothing at all!
Keep up the good work V
I really thought this was well put, unfortunately its pretty hard to get past the apostate idea with jw's. They must be talking about this
a lot at the hall. Just some things brother-in law has indicated through his responses to us.
Love the Irish Catholic comment.....
Jeez... I almost want to go to this meeting just so I can stand up and walk out when those paragraphs are read.
Nice work V.
its pretty hard to get past the apostate idea with jw's.
EXACTLY. That's why I do a hat-dance on any mention of "apostates" I find in the Watchtower. The loaded language is shameless, but once a Witness makes the connection...
Another stellar video, V.
Ruth Eeker
Thank you V.
Yet another great video.
Brilliant! Thankyou.
Great job V! You do good work!
Like I said a couple of hours after you posted it on youtube...
The ending is absolutely brilliant!
Keep up the great job!