Watchtower Comments (5.26.08) PROPAGANDA & FALLACY

by V 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    An excellent video, V.

    Now for the June 15 WT...

    Page 17...

    Are You Prepared to Defend Your Faith?

    Everyone who wants to detain a JW long enough to get them to defend their faith over the next few months should have a copy of this 'Secret' Mag or a printout of this article.



  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Brilliant edition to the video comments - thanks V and those involved!

    It was exactly the Watchtower propagander that shook my mind free of it. I kept hearing how the Pharisees did such and such and then the next item on the Service meeting would be about conforming to certain details at a convention! I always thought, I dont need to be told this or that - I know what I should or should not be doing, how am I being Christian when I dont have to decide to do the right thing only follow what I've been told. I couldn't understand how we could condemn certain things and then it was ok for us cause we were the truth. My mind jarred from hearing this and awakened.

    What I later realised was that I had been in a bubble created by my upbringing, and I could be told pretty much anything and believe it. One thing that makes me laugh is that when you were explaining something to a non JW, you could hear yourself spouting things that even sounded crazy to you! Only in the confines of the congregation away from normal people did it make sense again.

    CS 101

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    I notice most of the WT quotes can be found with the first hit at Google for Watchtower propaganda on the WT's own website.

    Nice move, V



  • Switch

    wow. Brilliant. I'm new here so this is the first V comments I've seen. I'd never seen that article about the Irish clergy before. I'll be using that little gem. Thanks for all your work.

  • WTWizard

    Just another tool they use to make it even harder to get through to them with the real truth. Questioning what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger says is "apostasy" and is therefore repudiated without giving it a chance.


    Excellent work.


  • freetosee


  • confused and lost
    confused and lost

    Excellent video,I loved the end bit about the Irish catholics.Any dub with half a brain should be able to see through the WTS hypocrisy.Only trouble is getting them to look.Keep the vids comin.They make the WT study slightly more bearable.

  • chickpea

    i love the fact that

    1) you teach the different forms of fallacy and highlight them in the material

    2) you use the b0rgs own material to undermine its current teachings

    what can i say? your work ( all parties included) is remarkable!

  • AgentSmith

    Nicely done V! Mrs Smith and I did another presentation this morning using your video's. There were about 60 people present, the memorial and the 144 000 vid made the most impact.

    Pity I did not have this one, it would have been great!

    The Irish bit at the end was excellent!!

    Bring on the ammunition....

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