When you were a Jw did you have a relationship with God?

by Fisherman 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • dwtnphotog

    Looking back I don't think I ever really did. Even as an elder, everything seemed so foreign to me.

    I remember my grandmother praying out loud during an earthquake. I could never seem to find that place where I felt I was getting anywhere with it.

    I do have a huge problem with authority figures betraying your trust. I think I never really trusted god.

  • Thechickennest

    Before I was a JW, I had a great relationship with God. The longer I was in the cult, the demands on the relationship became so great, I lost sight of the forest for the trees so to speak. I don't like placing blame on anyone or anything since I was a willing participant for decades in the JW cult. Towards the end of my time in the cult, I harbored some resentment towards the men in charge of the cult as I began to step back and think more objectively about the teachings of the WT and the abuse of power by these men. After some serious grief and some healing time, I was then able to move on and make my relationship with God whole and clean again. To put it simply-my relationship with God was damaged by the WT and its cohorts.

  • VoidEater

    Never had an experiential relationship with anything spiritual while in.

    While out, yes - the meaning of what I experience shifts over time, but the relatoinship is alive.

  • nvrgnbk
    Nope, but I wanted to. I never felt I was good enough... not trying hard enough or something.


  • chickpea

    i had a deep rooted sense of spirituality that i brought "in" with me, and i pummeled it and strangled it and reshaped it to fit the mindset of the b0rg, or at least made heroic attempts to pigeonhole it... i am delighted to know it has survived all attempts to stifle it.....

  • oompa

    Hail no!.....he will not hear the prayers when you spank the monkey.....so no relationship possible............oompa

    just never really felt it.....and no prayers ever answered

  • LouBelle

    Not really, and what little I did have was all about begging for forgiveness, living in guilt and trying to barter my way.

  • diamondblue1974

    I have said this before elsewhere but I spent years speaking to a God that never spoke back - How could I possibly have a relationship with him?

    I now speak to more sociable Gods and Goddesses!


  • nvrgnbk

    I thought I did for most of my life.

    The kindest thing He ever did for me was finally letting me know that He wasn't real.

    Thanks, Big Guy!

  • jookbeard

    what a great post , I need some time to think about this, to compose my reply, but a huge question

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