Difficult to understand how even heavys that taught about having a relatinship with God now proclaim that it was imagined after leaving the truth. Puts into question appointments and people serving. I can understand if some one new leaves the org. But when someone high up leaves the org and then questions basic things, even about the existence of God and relationship with him after leaving even though serving many years puts the appointment system into question
When you were a Jw did you have a relationship with God?
by Fisherman 31 Replies latest jw friends
Yah, it was all one way. No response, no nothing @ the other end.
S -
Interesting question you ask...in my 28 years on the inside I NEVER had a relationship with the socalled JEHOVAH...I would sit down to a meal and pray for thanks and feel like a fool for uttering words into nothing...meetings were just a numbfest got absolutely nothing out of them and as for the socalled "Spiritual Paradise" I was suppose to enjoy with my brotherhood...nothing but fallacy...no love no bond no nothing...The day I DA'ed myself 4 years ago was the begining of my journey to freedom...freedom from God religion hypocricy...I have never looked back...
No, not with the God of the Bible.
I thought I did, but it turns out I was just delusional. And I may still be, but not about that.
I used to pray, but I knew I was sex addicted, drunken armaggedon fodder. So it didnt really matter then, dont really matter now. Dont really care if there is a god or not. Ima do my thing. He/she/it can do his/hers/its thing.
darth frosty
I think it was an imagined relationship. And it wasn't with jehovah it was with the organization.
Over the course of your immersion in the cult, you learn what is required for you to prosper in the organization (I speak from a male striving to be an ms/elder perspective.) How you carry yourself, how the 'friends view you and your prowess with the scriptures(read WT publication's) is the divining rod of your spirituality. Even though you dont realize it, you start to follow these man made guidlines that serve as the templet for a relationship with god.
Turns out that I did. But not in the way I imagined. The revelation and sealing of that relationship is what brought me out of the JW org.
knock knock
Always to busy for that. Had to keep up appearances and obsess over every single little thing that might "stumble" someone else. As if I had that power.
Yes, I had a relationship, but he was abusive, so I left him.