CO and DOS - I had lots of friends in both positions.
Some of the best, most progressive brothers for sure, and some of the worst bullies and mindless self-servers.
The End of Circuit Overseers
by scotsman 127 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I saw this on Does anyone have conformation of this as in an actual letter ?
Let me speculate a little. These are just some thoughts I've had recently about possible structural changes within the org.
Since I believe everything is being maneuvered by Legal these days, I think they are taking a hard look at the POs in the congregations.
Some of them, although very kind with good intentions, are not well-educated nor are they good speakers. They are not trained family/marriage counsellors,
nor do they have the skills to actually counsel in matters relating to depression and other mental and emotional concerns. Yet, they get shepherding
calls all the time from congregation members to minister to them regarding such things. The wrong advice or ill-timed admonition can
create all kinds of problems for a person in such a vulnerable state. This makes for a possible LEGAL CASE AGAINST them.
I speculate that eventually, over a period of years, the KHs will be sold off and bigger more mainstream church-type facilities erected (by the RBC, of course.)
One of the current corps of the WTS is concerned with "Education" if I remember correctly, and I think perhaps they will educate the COs, DOs, and some of the better POs in areas
such as psychological counselling including marriage counselling, maybe even offering some sort of certification for such. This way, they could be insured against liability.
An apartment connected to the facility or a home built on or near the premises (at local expense) would be a part of the "package" for them and then we would
have a more autonomous church-like Kingdom Hall responsible for its own legal problems.
Here in New Zealand, life-size cardboard cutouts of police officers placed inside liquor stores significantly reduced shop lifting and aggravated robberies.
Maybe the Watchtower can take its cue from this: Life-size cardboard cutouts of circuit overseers placed in strategeric positions throughout the kingdom hall may help reduce the drop off in meeting attendance.
Kudos to you, I couldn't remember where I'd read the suggestion, sorry for not giving you credit. Perhaps you should morph into 'seerboyfat'
I like it!
sweet pea
scotsman - you shouldn't be surprised at the attention this kind of news generates - we're all desperate for any sign that the Tower is crumbling and/or that our relatives/friends still trapped will finally start waking up and asking "what the hell is going on?!!".
sweetpea - it's a bit like hoping for the new system...
sweet pea
You're not wrong there - I suppose we have just swapped one hope for another. This one may actually happen one day though!
ROFL at Steve2!