Some of them, although very kind with good intentions, are not well-educated nor are they good speakers. They are not trained family/marriage counsellors,
nor do they have the skills to actually counsel in matters relating to depression and other mental and emotional concerns. Yet, they get shepherding
calls all the time from congregation members to minister to them regarding such things. The wrong advice or ill-timed admonition can
create all kinds of problems for a person in such a vulnerable state. This makes for a possible LEGAL CASE AGAINST them.
Yes, I think you're right here. They don't have a clue about what they're doing. I myself would like to make a movie about my experience with my snobby P.O. He was such a jerk, I ended up in tears, and the other "elder" and my husband were both blown away by what the P.O. had said. They didn't know what to do or say. So, the P.O. decided to say a closing prayer...meanwhile I'm sobbing during the whole thing. I've often thought about filing a case against those two. I can only be glad that it happened though, because it wasn't too much longer and we found out the truth about the "truth" and got the heck out of it.
Hey, I've been away for a while. I think I need an update. Where is the org right now? I heard that the bookstudy is no longer, it's part of the Sunday meeting now? That's about all I know. What happened to the public talk? Any other wonderful news??
BTW, I just loved that Circus Overseer comment.