Dinner with Friends

by sweet pea 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Here's to more dinner parties WhoKnows! We had a ball - thanks for being such great company. There's nothing like the shared background of being a Witness!

    I know some ex-JWs aren't that bothered about meeting up with other ex-JWs as they feel they need to move on and that meeting up with ex-JW's wont help them do that but I feel that it does you a world of good to reach out to others who've run the gauntlet of leaving. There's a special bond between ex-JW's - especially ones that feel a connection to each other. New friends generally don't have a clue what it was like and you experience a range of emotions when discussing your background - somehow you feel disloyal talking about the whole experience, I put this down to the fact you are telling people about the awful behaviour of people you used to care deeply about and you don't want others to think you're obsessed with the whole experience. But with other ex-JWs you make allowances and IMHO you do feel closer quicker than with any other new friends you make.

    Anyone fancy dinner at Gladstones soon?

  • besty

    If you're paying...

  • whoknows

    Count us in!

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