So the hubby and I are having a great evening at home. Phone rings. I can tell it's my MIL by the way he is talking to her. He says that he has to look at the dates. He explains that he will be out of town that week. (thank God!). He's going on a fishing trip up north.
They are calling because they are needing somewhere to stay, and because they would like him to join them. Evening ruined.
We were about to sit down to watch a great geeky show, I left him on the phone in the living room and started a bath.
He came in after a few minutes and asked very cautiously what was the matter. I reminded him how scary those phone calls are to me. Then the arguing began.
I brought up the fact that I don't like the fact that he has a brother that doesn't know if he's dead or alive. I hate the fact that when I first met your sister, she wouldn't even look at me, yet was already sleeping with her boyfriend and had to get married before us. I hated that the family doesn't seek out yet another brother because he is not practicing either.
I brought up the kid issue and that fact that I will not become pregnant in that lifestyle. He asked why, I proceeded with the list:
1. College. He responded that that isn't the belief. Sheeeeesh.
2. I will baptise or not babtise OUR child as WE please.
3. My child will not be shunned or learn to shun ANYBODY!
4. Couldn't bring up molestation, hurts too much
He rebutted that I had such a warped sense about things. That no one would tell him how to run his family. To which i replied....they already are.
For those that don't know, my hubby has been inactive about 6 years now. But as I've stated before my worst fear is that he may go back. My mother insists that she sees that he loves me and would never put anything before me, yet i live in fear.
Thanks again to all for listening.