I'm not saying that we have the most perfect relationship in THE world, but that it's perfect for MY world. I can only imagine how painful it is for my hubby to know that I may never follow that path. I know that should it come down to it, there is a great chance that he would pick them. Granted, the man that I am married to now would pick me. But going back to that crazy ass life would change the man I'm married to now. I wouldn't be battling with the same person. It would be a drone or rather shell of my husband. It's as if they strip them of any choice and lead them to believe that they are actually making the choices for themselves.
Again, I repeat, there are good even great marriages. NOT perfect ones. I believe that with out the influence of this terrible cult I would have one too. I shouldn't live my life dreaming, but sometimes that's all a person has left.
I will always encourage my husband to seek love and understanding, not THE truth. I hope one day he sees their ways. I take marriage extremely to heart. I love my husband as much as my family. He is not just my companion, he is my friend and my family. Just as I wouldn't just walk away from my sibling or parent I won't walk away from him.
Thank you so much for your kind words, again, every little bit helps.