Wow, you all have been busy while I was away. And the best that anyone can do is insist on it or show that everybody does it as they have no scriptural proof. Well the matter was already answered. There is no Apostolic succession because there are only 12 of them. It is that simple. Using the term Apostle in that context limits this number to 12 period. The only thing that can be done is take verses that use the word Apostle in other contexts and try and force them to be something else more significant like an Apostle of Christ. But where are any of the others called an Apostle of Christ? Nowhere! Of course the Churches do it to gain power over their flocks and to control them. The WT does this with it’s GB doctrine. JosephMalik can appoint an Apostle to represent Joseph Malik and speak for him but you cannot. The Apostles could not. And they tried to do this before the special and visible holy spirit was poured out on them. The scriptures did not say that they made an error but the scriptures did show how Christ corrected their selection. Paul was chosen by Christ and is called an Apostle of Christ. Errors are documented in other places in Acts as well regarding other matters. If this was not the case then we would all be shaving our heads and taking vows in the temple to show we obey the Law. Luke was Paul’s associate and received his authority to write from this Apostle.
Burn the ships said: Was Mark an Apostle? Or Luke? Yet you accept their writings as Scripture.
Of course. Everyone who wrote any of the NT texts can be traced directly to one of the 12 and would receive their authority from them. They used them as their secretaries in fact to write in their behalf. The book of Hebrews does not give its author’s name but it supported Paul’s doctrinal views and not the views of most of the other Apostles. It did however correct the matter for them once and for all. Even James had to change his views as a result and reveal that in his letter. So who among them would have authorized it?
Burn the ships said: You trust Apostolic writings, however you do not trust the Apostolic appointment of successors. Don't you think that is contradictory?
No! Apostles (in context one of the 12) could not appoint more of themselves. And the authority that such appointees made from such an Apostle could not be passed along any further. This came to an end when the Apostles died. Personal or physical contact was a strict requirement.
Burn the ships said: Massive, massive eisegesis. Apparently you think that only Paul's appointments are valid.
Valid? Yes, and temporary as well. Only Paul made such appointments to put a stop to the false doctrine he was facing in his territories. And Paul also trained his appointments personally and/or by letters as to who to appoint. Such appointments that had Apostolic authority over others teaching false doctrine ended when Paul died. The anointments made by others was to care for other functions in the Faith. So there were many Apostles floating around but there was no Apostolic succession as claimed here by some posters.