Are They Really Going Mainstream?

by WTWizard 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I have seen a number of threads lately that suggest the Washtowel Slaveholdery is making moves toward going mainstream. But is it really so?

    Notice a few examples. The stand on people that are incorrigible being the only ones that are going to die at Armageddon is one cited fact that people are pointing to. Notice that the statement was in the showcase washtowel, not the Kool-Aid. This gives the public that they are middle of the road (only the worst people are going to die), but is not their true stand. Really, why would they disfellowship and condemn people to death if they are questioning the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, with proof at hand from the Bible?

    Another is the blood issue. Notably, they have cited that people that take blood will no longer get disfellowshipped. Instead, they will "disassociate by action" such people. It accomplishes exactly the same thing, but many people will think they have eased up a bit. No dice.

    Fewer boasting sessions? The spin was that they are moved by high gas prices and to ease the burden on families. As Wing Commander pointed out, they are more interested in reducing the opportunities of outlier comments in the book study. The other boasting sessions have just about limited the comments to two or three per person per boasting session, and then to within what the paragraph says. Now they are going to do it with the book study as well. It will also eliminate the last fun for many witlesses, and I think there is going to be more guilt to go out in field circus. Hardly reducing the burden on families or saving gas. It's all about control, and many people do not see it that way.

    On the other side, they have tightened up in many ways. If they were mainstreaming, they would be easing up on using independent sources to verify the accuracy of doctrine (the Sept 2007 Kingdumb Misery went the opposite direction). They are spending more time hounding people to wear their embarrassment badges through the whole Grand Boasting Session, even when not in session. They cracked down hard on college at the last Grand Boasting Session. They had the Oral Sex study (that is, when they started cracking down on oral sex again) last fall right after the NBC pedophile expose. And now they are going to bash "valueless things", which include too much fun, sex, or relaxation. And I am hearing them telling people that field circus is more important--wait until the next Washtowel Kool-Aid comes out.

    I don't think they have a ghost of a chance of actually going mainstream, the way the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger are running it. What they want is to create the illusion that they are easing up, while what they are really doing is cracking down. Excessively wordy resolutions with wacky points buried in the fine details, washtowels that are not clear, and letters from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that get handed down through hounder-hounders and the hounders (hence no verification) are prime examples.

    The religion will not be truly mainstream until (1) they stop hounding people for things that make no difference, (2) they allow people to use independent sources to research and verify, (3) they stop busting up families for trivial infractions (marking or disfellowshipping), (4) they start allowing people to get a full education, and (5) they stop demanding ever-escalating demands of people's time for field circus. None of which I see coming anytime soon. Nope, the Washtowel Slaveholdery is not going mainstream any time soon, no matter what illusions they continue to come up with.

  • Honesty

    They can't become mainstream.

    The JW's wouldn't stand for it.

    The JW's aren't about to start worshiping Jesus.

    I had a JW 'Bible' Study (he's been 'studying' for 3 weeks) tell me that if he even just prayed to Jesus he would be committing apostasy and he wasn't about to worship Jesus because he only worships Jehover and isn't going to worship any other god.

    That's how quick the cult turns them against the Savior of the world.

  • M.J.

    FWIW, I've heard ex-Worldwide Church of God members say that after Armstrong's death the church started publicizing themselves as 'reformed' to the outside while trying to maintain the status-quo on the inside...but it blew up on them.

  • chickpea
    but it blew up on them.

    let us hope for a short fuse

  • M.J.

    "I had a JW 'Bible' Study (he's been 'studying' for 3 weeks) tell me that if he even just prayed to Jesus he would be committing apostasy and he wasn't about to worship Jesus because he only worships Jehover and isn't going to worship any other god."

    Show him that according to the Daniel Prophecy book the Watchtower Charter amendment of 1944 restored the organization to a "right condition" in fulfillment of Daniel's prophesied 2,300 days (page 178).

    Then show him what the actual charter says:
    (from the 1945 yearbook, p. 32)
    "The purposes of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society are...for public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus...

    And just to show that it's not a typo, show him the 10-15-45 Watchtower, p. 313:

    When God's only begotten, firstborn Son was made a man on earth, Jehovah God saw good to "make him but little less than messengers divine", or les than godly angels, elohim. (Ps. 8:5, Roth.Pss.) Now, at Christ's coming to reign as king in Jehovah's capital organization Zion, to bring in a righteous new world, Jehovah makes him infinitely higher than the godly angels or messengers and accordingly commands them to worship him. This does not mean that Christ Jesus is Jehovah, a "Jehovah-Christs", as certain religionists say; but it simply fulfills what Jesus said on earth: "The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him." (John 5:22,23) Since Jehovah God now reigns as King by means of his capital organization Zion, then whosoever would worship Him must also worship and bow down to Jehovah's Chief One in that capital organization, namely, Christ Jesus, his Co-regent on the throne of The Theocracy. The holy angels gladly obeyed the divine command and they proved their worship of Jehovah's new King and their subjection to him by joining in his "war in heaven" against Satan and his wicked angels.

  • scotsman

    OK, they're not going to become the established church with the monarch as titular head but... I look at the folk I've left behind and they have fulltime jobs, decent houses, new cars and foreign holidays. The time spent at meetings is about to get less and in this part of the world pioneering is not nearly like it was in the 70s & 80s.

    Yes they still have crackpot beliefs - specifically blood and shunning - but their lives seem significantly less alternative than they were some time ago. They seem... diluted. By money and a few wordly friends.

  • journey-on

    I think they WILL go sort of mainstream if they see the slow leak has turned into a full blown rupture....but it will happen gradually and over time.

    Most JWs don't pay that much attention to the incremental changes preceding the major ones. They barely stay awake at the meetings and

    assemblies. These changes sneak up on them. One small doctrinal "adjustment" leads to another and another. Finally, the old is forgotten as "the light

    has gotten brighter" and there is something in its place that has absolutely no resemblance to what they believed just a few years earlier.

    My prediction is that the KHs will be sold off little by little, and mega KHs will be erected, complete with Youth centers, and Programs

    for Children. The sisters will be allowed to be used for these youth/children related programs (women don't tend toward pedophilia).

    I think volunteer participation in certain types of ministries, such as some type of field service calls, visiting the sick and poor, assisting the

    elderly and infirm, etc. will be implemented. Announcements can be made from the platform regarding needed funds for certain ministries

    and projects and donations encouraged to assist in these projects. Sisters can be encouraged to head up some of these, as well.

    Computerized accounting programs for local congregations with reports sent to headquarters could also be handled by a sister.

    Of course, a monthly "contribution" will always be required to be sent to "Mother Borg". (Wire transfers accepted.)

    The COs, DOs, and some exceptional POs will be provided specialized training that will lead to certification in marriage and family counselling,

    mental and psychological health issues. The certification will allow each (incorporated) mega hall to be insured against liability. They will still

    have to follow "Mother" as far as the basic doctrinal beliefs go, but will have a certain amount of autonomy to ensure their status as a separate legal entity.

    The head Minister/Overseer will be furnished an adjoinging living quarters or home on the premises as part of his package. But it will be up to him to

    make sure enough contributions are made to ensure his needs are met. (I don't think the Society has made arrangements for the retirement needs

    of these aging COs and DOs and I'm sure they haven't paid in to the SS system.)

    Most JWs cling to only three core beliefs that they feel truly set JWs apart as having the Truth: 1) Jesus is God's son sent to earth....He is not God Himself;

    2) No hell fire where you burn forever for your sins; 3) No Trinity doctrine; 4) No immortal soul that goes to heaven for the earthly class. They await in death

    for a resurrection to a paradise earth.. As long as they believe JWs are the only ones teaching these, they will cling fast to the "Truth".

    Doctrines I think will either be slowly done away with or modified to be conscience decisions and not frowned upon:

    1) Celebration of birthdays and holidays

    2) Voting

    3) Blood Transfusions

    4) Door-to-door preaching

    This is just a synopsis of what I think they could do should they decide the flock is leaving in droves and they are about

    to lose everything they have worked for during the past century.

    Do you think I'm off by a mile?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    They are not going mainstream, instead they are simply toning down their message. I believe there is a big difference.

    Going mainstream implies making changes and adding things in order to bring in more people. Its consists of molding yourself around the society you are within, rather than creating your own alternate society.

    The Watchtower really isn't reaching out to the world around it. Rather it is making changes that will help its internal structure get stronger.

    They may copy some mainstream messages into their own, but I think this is more in the efforts to make themselves non confrontational. They just want to do their thing and be left along. I don't equate that with going mainstream.

  • easyreader1970

    I think that they are loosening the reins a little. They are having a tremendous problem keeping people, young people especially, in the Truth. Their only chance is to make it easier for Worldly people to join up. That is, they will make it less burdensome for newcomers to the organization. I think they are not going 100% mainstream, but I think you will see them alter some of their doctrines over the next 15 years. The people who "would never stand for it" are primarily old schoolers who will soon be dead or too old to matter anyway. It is their only chance for survival. On its current course, without modification, I doubt that the Society could last as a major force more than another 20 years.


  • Dagney

    My "feeling" also is that it isn't their intent to become more "mainstream."

    They have "soften" the wording on some things, which may appear as a red flare to us who are looking at them critically. But my feeling is, and what I hear is there is no blurring of lines on any social or cultural issues, or how a JW lives. If anything it is a continuing more reclusive and strict environment. I could be wrong.

    I think the WBTS wisely changes wording so they don't appear to be as nuts as they really are. But the message is very much the same to me.

    Edited to add: I think WBTS has a vision of what is going to happen and they are sticking to it. It is supposed to be a small group that goes through the narrow door...they are not interested in converting millions, what would they do with them?? So they restructure to handle what they see now and in the near future, and pray like crazy for the end to come so they don't have to do anymore changes!

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