How do you confront someone abusing their daughter?

by Paralipomenon 38 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Quirky and Momz,

    I've got my .22 ready to go!

    Yes, the consensus on this board is good: go as a group to the mom and give her an ultimatum. Make her call on a cell phone right in front of all of you. If she refuses, tell her you will. She may need a safe house, as well. Find out about safe shelters around for abused women and children. Support her and reassure her that all of you are behind her in this and will do all you can to protect her if she will just be a mom and protect her child.

  • sinis

    ...and we know that he is a sexual deviant because how again? Where is your proof? Hell, call CPS and the over zealous child protective services and it could end up like the FLDS in Texas where the authorities took children from the mothers, all based on a BS phone call.

    I would gather more information before moving forward. Shit people, this is not Salem circa 1692!!!

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith
    How do you confront,someone abusing their daughter?

    If you can be 100% sure that he's guilty, confront him with a blast of 00 buck to each kneecap. If he's guilty of sexual abuse, give him an extra blast to the crotch.

    No mercy for child molesters & abusers. Period.

    Even IF he is tried & convicted, in America, he won't get anywhere near the punishment that he deserves.

  • RR
    How do you confront someone abusing their daughter?

    With a baseball bat!


  • Sirona

    Report it to the authorities NOW

    They can interview the girl before her parents get chance to scare her or shut her up...

    They can medically examine the girl to see if there is physical evidence - THIS IS SO IMPORTANT because if there is evidence this guy could go to prison based upon it

    If you warn them that the cops are coming then they'll make plans and stop this examination from happening.


  • sass_my_frass

    I hope that you have already contacted child services and asked them for their help.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo


    I have no idea what the right way to handle this kind of horrible thing is as I have never been in a situation where this has been an issue. All I can say is that my thoughts are with the little girl and I hope that this dreadful situation can be stopped speedily and dealt with in the best way possible!


  • momzcrazy

    It's a new day. I hope the rescue efforts are underway this morning.

    Please keep us posted.


  • Paralipomenon

    Thanks for the input everyone. It's pretty much in line with what they were planning to do.

    It's an absolutely nerve wracking situation. The basic plan was to talk to the mother at a neutral location away from her house. Make sure both children are there and confront her with the facts. If she decides to file a police report, then we had numbers on hand of shelters where she could take refuge.

    They realized that staying with a family member would be dangerous for all parties involved. If the mother was in denial, the family was going to file a report with Child Services anyways. My suggestion to them was not to let emotions get the best of them and approach it critically. It would be better, in my eyes, to take the time to talk to the police or CES and approach it right rather than fast. If they didn't cover all the details correctly, he may have time to coach the child and then cut off all association with the family and the abuse would be hidden for a long time.

    The man in question works shifts so they were planning on getting both the mother and children out of the house when he wasn't around. He is extremely controlling and doesn't like her leaving the house without him.

    I'll post an update of how things went when I hear more from them.


  • jgnat

    You are a good man, Paralipomenon

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