I just hope everybody knew that was a comedy bit.............oompa
What is the most hours you ever turned in on your F.S. report?
by gaiagirl 53 Replies latest jw friends
I just hope everybody knew that was a comedy bit
I was actually impressed and wished I could have seen that on your time slip.
Geeze momz...back to the boobz thread!......oomps
and glad you liked my avatar observations
56, auxing. Worst month ever.
Probably 6 or 8.
about 120.... one summer month when i was regular pioneering (and it was still 90/month or 1000/year)... I was behind and needed to make up time so I could coast through the hot/humid August month....
...a fellow pioneer was being nosy and seen my calendar sitting in my seat in their car while I was away...and reported the "lie" to her MS husband who reported it to the elders who convened a JC (though they didnt call it a JC at the time...but it was...I seen the file later)...and I was removed as a RP and a MS....for being "double tongued".... ironically, I actually had discounted my time and the net was 120..I always knocked off 10% each month just because my conscience told me that sometimes we wasted time..... I actually probably got 133 that month... ::sigh::
..oh well...my last 8 months as a dub..... I made up for it and turned in phantom field reports...I'd say I am even now...LOL
Snakes ()
103 hours as a pioneer.
115 when i was pioneering... but most of that was spent at the beach, or movies
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
111 honest FS hours in September 1988
23 honest hours. Yeah I know, its nothing compared to the over hundred crowd, but I do it only according to my needs, not the other way around. Lately though I havent put in a FS Report, only once in the last 5 months and i think it was for 4 hours.