60 hours when I was aux pioneering few times.
What is the most hours you ever turned in on your F.S. report?
by gaiagirl 53 Replies latest jw friends
When I was newly baptized in 1974 or so I hit over a hundred a couple of months while temporary pioneering. Hours began to drop rapidly after that. By 1980 or therabouts I didn't have any some months.
May 1990 - 74 hours - genuine hours too
I do know one brother turned in 300 hours one month about 20 years ago. He only sleeps 2 hours a night. He does not sleep alot. He was not MS or Elder back then, but now he is an elder. I know it is hard to believe, but I believe him because I knew him.
If I was still in, I'd keep increasing my reported hours by 10 hours per month, every month, until somebody didn't believe me and counciled me.
110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290.................................................
Where do you think the count would trigger a flag? I would attend all normal service meetings, and then explain I can't find ANYONE else who wants to pioneer as much as I do, that's why I was alone most of my time. What are they going to do? call their most zealous pioneer a LIAR?
White Dove
I think it was 98 hours.
BTL, he was using the subway to do the preaching work, that is how he got the hours.
I think I went for 7 hours. Pretty good if you're trying to get married/dunked, but not too much to seem suspicious.
62, aux. pioneering....
120, when it was August one year pioneering, and I hadn't made my time for the year. Tough month! I still had to work. Lot's of midnight witnessing at all the 7/11s and 24hr donut shops.