So J Edgar Hoover puts these 2 special trees in the middle of the garden, right, the tree of life & the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, and says,
"Look Adam, you simple twat, just use the brains I gave you, listen carefully, again! I am putting 2 VERY SPECIAL trees in the middle of the garden where you can find them real easy, see? Now I am telling you that you are not to eat the fruit of just ONE of them, hint hint, and look, I am putting ALL the other trees and veggie stuff there to serve as food for you, hint hint. Get it?"
Adam: "So I am not to eat of the 2 trees in the middle..."
Hoover: "No, no, you are not to eat of just one of the very special trees, the tree of knowledge of good and bad. The tree of life, on the other hand I have put no restrictions upon, get it?"
Adam: "Right. I am not to eat of any tree that is, or may be, in or round about the middle of the garden. Where is that by the way, can you make a signpost or something, I think I'm a bit lost."
Hoover: "Adam, I think I'm going to make a helper for you..."