Gay Marriage - The War for Equality

by Inquisitor 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips
    Many Belgian catholics have been supportive of same-sex marriage. The catholic priest of my parish openly speaks up for the society's acceptance of homosexuality and lives together with his male friend. All the JWs in my area refer to this disgraceful act of Babylon the Great in their ministry.

    This priest is at variance with Catholic teaching. While living in sin, he commits sacrilege towards his holy orders, and especially to the eucharist he presents to the congregation. It would be no different if he were heterosexual and living with a woman. But in this case he not only does it, but condones it in others, this is doubly bad because he is supposed to shepherd the flock.

    Romans 1:31 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.


  • hamilcarr


    I'll tell him the opinion of an American catholic

    He's had some problems with the archibishopric, but because he's extremely popular and has drawn so many youngsters to the Eucharist thanks to his inspiring talks, he got accepted.

  • Shazard

    >But you didn't answer my original example - what about straight couples who cannot reproduce?

    I answered. What about policemen who sit at the desk? Should we remove their rights to use force? Rights are grantet for one to have ABILITY to perform some duties. If the rights are not granted they can't perform the duties! But if they do not USE their rights, it is their problem and problem of society. But this is exceptional state. Also couples who are unable to procreate are good for adoptation, as they still have the right model of society!

    > Are you saying that gay couples are incapable of teaching?

    Teaching WHAT? What Values? Well it would be pain to ask for them to teach values which are agaisnt their own values. So what they can teach is THEIR values... but to whom... to THEIR children or to other children? So in general, they can teach values they believe in without cognitive dissonanse only if the values reflect their own... but their values generate family whcih can't produce humans biologicallhy, so their values produce society which dies out.

    >What about single parents? Are they incapable of teaching and nuturing? Why are single parents any more qualified than >two
    >loving gay parents? In fact, I think the argument could be made that two gay parents are better than a single parent.

    Where do gay parents get their children? And what VALUES they teach? Do they teach values to create families which are able to born and carry and teach other children - society members? All what they can is higjact other children and teach them their values which they would not be tought should they grow in theri original family.
    Anyone who teaches procreative values is better suited for teaching then one who teaches values which bear no fruit!

    >The only duty of straight marriage that a gay couple cannot perform is biological reproduction with each other. Haven't
    >you heard of adoption? Surrogacy? Every single other function of marriage can be performed by a gay couple. Marriage is
    >about companionship too. Are gay people incapable of companionship?

    See... that means that GAY society is only possible in high-tech society. But this high-tech society is possible only from low-tech society evolution. But only way how low-tech society gets to high-tech society is - procreation trhough traditional value. So GAY society can exist only if it parasites on STRIGHTS traditional value oriented society... Is it your values? Do you grant equal rights to cancer and to healthy organism?

    >Or are you arguing against gay marriage simply because you don't like it? Isn't part of a civil society the idea of
    >alllowing people to engage in activities we don't like, as long as they aren't harming anyone else?

    How do you define "harming anyone else"? What IS harming? If Cult leader takes YOUR children indoctrinates them in the way they GLADLY obey to this Cult Leader and gladly makes himself into slave... is it OK... as nobody is harming anyone. Both sides are very HAPPY!
    See... this is very bad argumentation as you will paint yourself into corner, where "Leave me alone coz your care is harming me" will make drugs legal! :) I feel good, and leeave me alone. How do you define "harm to anyone". If I feel offended - does it qualify as harm to me? If your target is society where nobody is being harmed, then your target is utopia in this world... And sometimes harm is for greater good! And sometime FEAR of Harm gets you to loose of your sick limb, which just falls off because of cancer! To cut out cancer is HARMFUL... To leave cancer... yes... nobody is harmed.. . for some time, while whole organism dies out.
    As I told... gay-oriented society and marriage can exist only as parasitic form of society. If you remove traditional family and hig-tech technologies, gay-society will die out as will become sterile. OR it will be forced to enforce sex between opposite genders but now without love... wich would qualify as rape!

  • BurnTheShips
    Shazard, we're already in positions of political power and as educators, we always have been. Brace yourself for the gay agenda!

    This is because homosexuals have tended to be unburdened by the responsibilities of family, which allows more time energy and resources for acheivement in other areas. BTS

  • scotsman
    Shazard, we're already in positions of political power and as educators, we always have been. Brace yourself for the gay agenda!
    This is because homosexuals have tended to be unburdened by the responsibilities of family, which allows more time energy and resources for acheivement in other areas.

    Eh? Are you suggesting that married politicians and educators with families are superhuman? Homosexuals are in politics with wives and children too, they're outed every few months in the press.

  • BurnTheShips
    Eh? Are you suggesting that married politicians and educators with families are superhuman?

    No, but you are you suggesting that homosexuals are somehow superior? I pointed out that without the distraction of family, it is more possible to attain high achievement. To use your argument would preclude all heterosexual marriages with children.


  • scotsman

    You misread me BTS. Shazard was predicting a future with homosexualis in position of power and I was merely pointing out that they always have been. I don't think homosexuals are better than anyone else.

  • BurnTheShips
    I was merely pointing out that they always have been.

    I suspect that even many important Christian leaders in history have had same-sex orientation.


  • jstalin
    I answered. What about policemen who sit at the desk? Should we remove their rights to use force? Rights are grantet for one to have ABILITY to perform some duties. If the rights are not granted they can't perform the duties! But if they do not USE their rights, it is their problem and problem of society. But this is exceptional state. Also couples who are unable to procreate are good for adoptation, as they still have the right model of society!

    You're skipping the issue. A straight couple that is biologically incapable of reproducing is incapable of performing the duties you demand are the only qualification for marriage. Therefore they shouldn't be married. But then you change the argument to modeling something - not actually doing something. So should your hypothetical police officer be allowed to be a police officer if he is blind? He cannot then drive and arrest people, but I suppose he could model an arrest in a controlled environment. You are using circular logic and you just gave a counter-example for your own argument. So can someone be a police officer if they can only model police office behavior?

    Teaching WHAT? What Values? Well it would be pain to ask for them to teach values which are agaisnt their own values. So what they can teach is THEIR values... but to whom... to THEIR children or to other children? So in general, they can teach values they believe in without cognitive dissonanse only if the values reflect their own... but their values generate family whcih can't produce humans biologicallhy, so their values produce society which dies out.

    So you argument went from reproduction to teaching some undefined and fuzzy values. Are gay people incapable of teaching values? Which values are you ascribing to? Being honest? Not stealing? Treating other with respect? Respecting differences? Abiding by the golden rule?

    Where do gay parents get their children? And what VALUES they teach? Do they teach values to create families which are able to born and carry and teach other children - society members? All what they can is higjact other children and teach them their values which they would not be tought should they grow in theri original family.
    Anyone who teaches procreative values is better suited for teaching then one who teaches values which bear no fruit!

    They get their children the same way straight parents do when they are incapable of having children. Adoption or surrogacy. Are you saying that simply having a gay parent or having gay people present in society will suddenly make straight people gay? That straight people will suddently not want to reproduce and teach their children?

    And now we're talking about procreative values? Just what the heck kind of values are those? Do we need to teach people how to reproduce? How could humanity have evolved without language??!?!
    See... that means that GAY society is only possible in high-tech society. But this high-tech society is possible only from low-tech society evolution. But only way how low-tech society gets to high-tech society is - procreation trhough traditional value. So GAY society can exist only if it parasites on STRIGHTS traditional value oriented society... Is it your values? Do you grant equal rights to cancer and to healthy organism?

    What's high tech about surrogacy or adoption? Are straight couples who adopt parasites too?

    Your hatred is starting to shine though. Now gay people are parasites!!
    How do you define "harming anyone else"? What IS harming? If Cult leader takes YOUR children indoctrinates them in the way they GLADLY obey to this Cult Leader and gladly makes himself into slave... is it OK... as nobody is harming anyone. Both sides are very HAPPY!

    I would define "taking" of a child as harm to his or her freedom and to the parent's rights of custody. That is harm. Wouldn't you define that as harm?

    See... this is very bad argumentation as you will paint yourself into corner, where "Leave me alone coz your care is harming me" will make drugs legal! :) I feel good, and leeave me alone. How do you define "harm to anyone". If I feel offended - does it qualify as harm to me? If your target is society where nobody is being harmed, then your target is utopia in this world... And sometimes harm is for greater good! And sometime FEAR of Harm gets you to loose of your sick limb, which just falls off because of cancer! To cut out cancer is HARMFUL... To leave cancer... yes... nobody is harmed.. . for some time, while whole organism dies out.
    As I told... gay-oriented society and marriage can exist only as parasitic form of society. If you remove traditional family and hig-tech technologies, gay-society will die out as will become sterile. OR it will be forced to enforce sex between opposite genders but now without love... wich would qualify as rape!

    So gay-oriented society is what we are advocating? Hardly. Who said that? We just want a just society. You can be straight or gay. Doesn't matter to me. Allowing some people the same, equal rights, as others would not create a "gay-oriented" society. Far from it. No more than banning slavery created a "black-oriented" society, or allowing women to vote created a "women-oriented" society. Those expansion of freedoms and rights created a society oriented toward equality under the law.

    And from there your argument simply degenerates into babble.....
  • Inquisitor

    Ah... here we go again..we've become lost in a clutter of side issues it would seem.

    Well Iet's return to the question of equality.


    It is unjustly to apply similar rules for different people.That is communism, and how unjust it is history has shown. That is what you get when you overstate the value of "Equality"!

    Really? So you do not believe that there is such a thing as universal values to be upheld by all civilized nations then? Why should countries bother to sign any Human Rights Declaration? Or is the UN a communist vehicle in disguise? Oh shit... you mean the act of imposing democracy by "necessary" military force on nations would ALSO be a communist act? And I thought it was a neo-con agenda. How sinister! You wouldn't be trying to scare ol INQy, would you?

    So at what point did a gay marriage pressure group succeed in turning China and Russia militantly communist? I didn't realize it was that easy to revolutionize society.

    It seems that both sides of the debate agree that marriage is a way of stabilising a relationship, of acquiring societal acceptance of that relationship, paving the way for kids and family. So why would you want to deprive that of gay people? You prefer to see them as sexually promiscuous, irresponsible party-goers who totally deserve media mention whenever the HIV infection rates go up?

    Is it gay marriage that you oppose? Or homosexuality that you despise?

    Is it daunting to comprehend that gay people might want the things some straight people enjoy? A stable relationship, family ties, children, careers, neighbours who don't cringe when they see the gay couple near kids?

    Is it so mind-blowing that gay people just might be like you, only of a different sexual inclination? Have you ever made acquaintance with gays? Do you actually know what it is like to be them?


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