well, adios. Ok, everyone, start humming St. James Infirmary, if you can't sing, snap your fingers brothers
Let him go...let him go...god bless him
Wherever he may be
He's gonna look this wide world over
Hope he finds the right place to be...
Taking my life back
by Junction-Guy 30 Replies latest jw friends
JG admits to hanging on doggedly to his precious beliefs. JG, you argued with atheists and you never got the point that atheists, unlike you, change their beliefs every time they encounter new information, new facts. Every new fact affects the whole body of known facts and therefore affects our beliefs regarding the world, the universe, reality and truth. Every day we add a little knowledge, find things to be false and shrug our shoulders and say, "oh well, I guess the world isn't flat after all."
In my experience no atheist has any emotion or attachment towards his/her beliefs. As soon as disconfirming evidence presnets itself, the atheist will chuck their former errant belief right out the window, with no hurt feelings. This is not the same as the Watchtower changing their beliefs via some revelation from god, or some need to not look stupid, this is simply saying when you are proven wrong, you will admit it openly and honestly and you will submit to the new information so long as it is reliable information -it has to check out in other words.
When someone says that they will not change their minds no matter what, like you just admitted above, that is the equivalent to saying that even when you are wrong, you will still hold onto your beliefs. At this point Truth becomes irrelevant. You are admitting (though you probably won't understand how it is that you are admitting it) that even if it became clear that there is no god, you still will believe becasue you want to believe. This is what you admitted in your post here. You actually said, "I will not surrender one shred of my beliefs." This shows that your beliefs are emotion-based, not fact based.
You even say your blood pressure goes up when you argue. Newsflash: it is an old proverb "the person most enraged by an argument is probably losing." You therfore, not only admit that truth is not as important to you as "believing that your particular beliefs are true," but also you admit defeat by how angry you are when confronted with opposing views. Belief (and probably faith too) is of higher importance to you than truth, otherwise you would always be open to opposing views and you would consider the possibility, even probability that you are wrong about most everything. It really is a matter of pride. You are just too stubborn and proud to ever be able to accept a single belief that falls outside of or contradicts your current beliefs.
Frankly, I don't know how a man can feel like a man saying what you said here. A real man will always maintain a certain amout of skepticism for his owm beliefs, because he knows that he isn't perfect and he is subject to being wrong about almost everything as far as he knows. To not be ever admitting this on a regular basis, you are putting yourself up to be a god, for humans know that they can't possibly have it all right. Error is inevitable, and sience driven people know this and they have the balls to admit it. It doesn't mean that we won't argue with you, even heatedly, (for every fact must be argued ad nauseum, right?) but we know that we are human and with the right amount of evidence or even proof, we can be convinced. If the proof is there and it checks out after serious prodding, then admitting it is as easy as pie for the atheist, because there are no emotions at stake.
Oh, and you are a racist homophobe. In other words, your objections to homosexuality are based on your fear that you actually might be gay, that's why they call it homophobia. So, don't give up the idea that you might be gay, you certainly have potential, what with your penchant for drama and all. -
Oh, Lord - there's a barrel full of fish and me with a cocked .22 - nope! Not gonna!
See you next week, Dave.
str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
We were just getting to know one another.
And we had so much in common too, me being a Gay Atheist and all.....
Much Love
Good Luck to ya JG!
Just for you I won't hide behind my avatar.....Well here's me for a few minutes....lol although its pretty late and you will not see it anyway.....
new light
Why not just do it instead of starting a big, blubbering thread that will linger for days? So much drama!
The thing is moderation - everything needs to be in moderation. Don't spend your life on here if you don't want too but do you have to give up completely? But if it's going to make you happy then go for it.
1. Church Life - why do you need to go to church? surely you are the real church and should follow god than a man that shares his own revelation - it's not your revelation.... just a thought.
2. Bible reading - if you enjoy it - go for it. Add some other books in there too. Conversations with God was pretty inspiring. Anything by Goldswain, Eckot Tollie (or something like that)
3. -
4. Family is important
5. So is exercise. I've found that I feel so much better since I started training 2 weeks ago - I feel so good for it - toning so nicely now.
All the best to you Dave. Hope that you find what you are looking for. I don't think you need to look far, just within. And remember everyone is going to be different, we all have our own journey, non are the same and it's not up to you to convince anyone of your truth.
Peace brother.
I have to pull myself away from the negativity
Good luck with that!
I'm also leaving this site, to get away from the sarcastic comments
Thanks for all the comments. I have already had alot of closure to this,
Not everyone on this website has been rude or callous, and for that I appreciate it, there have even been a few positve comments from some of the gays on this board, and I too appreciate that, and I wish them peace and happiness and success in all they do.
There have been quite a few negative remarks and I too can get over that.
but I do need a big break from the internet and I need to refocus my attention on my family and even my friends at work.
I mentioned to 2 of my friends at work about just leaving these forums, and they told me it was for the best, as too much negativity is rubbing off on me.
One of my all time dearest friends at work, who is a sweet black lady, was almost ecstatic when I mentioned my goals, she has tried to get me away from here for quite some time. We have alot of good laughs at work, and she is one of the nicest people I know there. She told me awhile back to just let this stuff go or it will drive me crazy, well she was pretty near spot on.
A new me is arising out of the ashes, as I am a survivor and no longer a victim. -
Best to you in your search. I've only been here a short while and have appreciated your struggle, publically advertised here in the face of animosity. You're not alone. There's a lot of anger out there, my friend - and some of it is manifest on this very page. You, on the other hand, TRY to respond kindly and with respect. That is a big first step. Move on and do what you need to do. There are those (here and there, if you know what I mean) who are sincerely concerned for your well-being. Leave it in the hands of those who can really make a difference. Just know that there are some people who genuinely care.
God bless,