Looking at sin under the microscope

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The Apostle Paul said that death spread to all men because we all inherited Adam's sin.

    The Human Genome was mapped in 2000.

    Advances are being made in genetics.

    Britain recently allowed the creation of human-animal hybrids.

    Do you think eventually that scientists will find "sin"?

    I've just finished reading the Language of God, a book about a scientist who headed the Human Genome project. He was a former atheist but turned Christian. The book is a good read, but no where does he say that he or his colleagues found any indication of "sin"

    There are genes which are permently switched off, genes that appear to have no useful function but no other "viral programming."

    What do you think?

  • wobble

    Sin is not a genetic problem, despite the Borgs dented tin explanation, if it was then soon scientists will solve it. I believe it to be more of a legal problem in that we could not inherit freedom from sin as Adam did not have such freedom to bequeeth to us, much as someone who gambles all their money away just leaves debts for his kids.So the sacrifice of J.C restores us to having the legal right to freedom from sin and death.

    While I am here can I just say thanks to all on this site,especially for your sense of humour ! Laugh! I wet myself!

    Love to all.

  • WTWizard

    The Washtowel Slaveholdery will merely play down science. When science fails to find the gene for sin, the Slaveholdery will just say that it cannot be found and that we are still supposed to believe it and the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that runs it.

  • scotsman

    Christians - they just love looking at sin, the closer the better

  • Farkel

    For Bible believers, sin is inextricably linked with eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That tree is inextricably linked with the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. They all must be true or the notion of sin as described by Bible believers falls. Before we can discuss sin, we must move backwards to that tree and further backwards to Adam and Eve. If we can't get to "sin" from there, we needn't worry about sin being the result of what happened there.

    Here is why we can't get to "there" when we see what it takes to get to "there." (sin)

    The Tree of WHAT?


  • journey-on

    In some of my research, I found some information from some theologian on the fringes that believes

    that "trees" represent geneologies and that the original sin involved Eve then Adam going outside their

    kind and copulating with the race of humanoids that was living in their midst but were not embued with

    God's "breath of Life".....neshama or soul. This contaminated their bloodline and thus spread throughout

    the race of the species that was created in God's image. We all have that little bit of blood now.

    I'm not saying this is what I believe, I'm just saying it's a belief that is "out there".

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    You're right: that belief is "out there." Far out.

  • Blueblades

    Animals can't sin yet they suffer great pain and eat each other. Where is God in all of this?


  • jaguarbass

    In reference to your post, I think sin is falling short of perfection. So that would be the preprogramed cell death that I was taught about in anantomy and physiology class.

    Sin would be why all creation is moaning and growning and suffering and dying.

    It's too big to see under a microscope.

    It's in your face.

    I dont know if thats what I believe.

    But I do think that is the correct answer.

  • jaguarbass

    Animals can't sin yet they suffer great pain and eat each other. Where is God in all of this?


    I dont know. But animal suffering bothers me and brings me down.

    I'll have to give that one to the atheist.

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