I'll agree with you Shamus. And for the record, I drive a Honda (never owned a "big American" car).
I think when gas prices level out it will still be around $3 a gallon. I think this summer is going to be bad, we'll probably hit $5 though maybe not for long.
Long term though, we've got to come up with something besides oil. The clock is ticking. And while I do not think oil is close to the peak yet (if you subscribe to Peak Oil, and I do), I do think we're very close to the end of finding easily accessible, "cheap" investment oil. Which translates to the oil companies expending, relatively, little capital to get the oil out, transport it, refine it and deliver it to your local gas station. There are huge deposits in Alaska, and even bigger deposits under the ice cap in the Arctic. I read where Shell (or whatever they're called now) recently found a very large oil field, so large it could supply all U.S. energy needs for one entire year.
Which ought to give you an idea of the problem.
I still say, and have for some time, get together the best and brightest, spend a few hundred billion (or whatever it takes) and solve the cold fusion problem, solve hydrogren conversion problem (platinum is best but it's obviously in short supply).
The theory says hydrogen is the most plentiful gas/liquid/solid on this planet. It would be a virtually limitless supply of energy. The problem is in exrtracting it economically and then converting it, again economically, into usuable forms. But imagine vehicles that run on hydrogren and the exhaust is water vapor, not pollution. Or imagine nuclear fusion plants that use seawater with no radioactive waste.
This is where we should have been working towards for 30 years, not business as usual with the oil companies. I'm afraid the U.S. leaders still don't get it, most notably the emphasis lately on ethanol (the biggest sham going on right now). But I'm encouraged that at least their pea brains are starting to think toward alternative energies.
It's a baby step, but we need to be running right now, not crawling.