What were the things that troubled you as a JW?

by Mickey mouse 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I'm not necessarily asking for the big stumbling blocks here or things you discovered once you started doing your own research outside the borg. I'm talking about the smaller things.

    For me one thing was the talk of no one being able to become a witness unless "Jehovahs drew them to him". As a born-in this never jived with me. The other issue was if I had been born on the other side of the world I would likely be wearing a burkha, or otherwise brought up in another type of religion with little or no chance of coming into contact with "the truth".

    How about you?


  • yknot

    The POs or Elders who think they are to 'test' and decide who is acceptable and unacceptable.

    Power tripping from privileges versus humble servitude.

    Patronizing and entitled attitude toward woman.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The JW's

  • Casper

    The petty, unrelenting rules that just kept popping up. I hated that every aspect of my life was under a microscope...


  • jaguarbass

    For me one thing was the talk of no one being able to become a witness unless "Jehovahs drew them to him". As a born-in this never jived with me.

    That is the message of the bible. No one comes to God unless he draws them.

    It looks like you didnt read the book when you were a JW and you dont read the book as a born again.

    I've read the book cover to cover 5 times and made notes. The predominant theme I come up with is predistianation.

    I'm not trying to be a wise guy or smart, I just dont know how else to say what I just said.

    God gives you faith. If he doesnt give you any faith to begin with you cant ask for more.

    Some are created to be vessels of beauty, some are created to be vessel for destruciton.

    The thing that bottered me growing up as a Jw was that the world would end before I got started.

    I will say, I dont necessarily recommend reading the bible cover to cover. When you do that, you can no longer keep it simple and be child like.

    If you want a degree of peace just read, recite and know the handful of scriptures your pastor feeds you.

    Kiss keep it simple. I forget what the last s stands for.

  • Mariusuk.

    The fact that this amazing super deity has an inferior set of morals to me. I really had a problem with OT God and his murderous, petty, jealous rampages.To be honest the guy just pissed me off. Wiping out 187000 here, a generation of kids there. Then to rub salt in the wound King David basically kills a man so that he get his stone slinging paws on a bit of skirt and God is all like "oh that's ok Davey, say you're sorry and we are cool" come on what a load of rubbish

  • OnTheWayOut

    The teaching that David and Solomon were wonderful good examples.
    David was sincerely sorry, so it was okay that he murdered and adultered.

    Solomon asked Jehovah for wisdom to rule instead of riches and glory, so
    he was given all of that. But he married and married and married and slept
    with all the women he could get. He was led astray by his foreign wives,
    yet the Law was supposedly in existence already. This was wrong.

    Before that, Judah could go to a prostitute, but his widowed daughter-in-law
    should be killed if she turned up pregnant years after her widowhood.

    Lot offered his daughters to a mob so they could molest them instead of
    two strange men.

    All the God-approved killing in the OT, but keeping the virginal girls alive
    to become rape slaves to those they know killed their parents.

  • Gregor

    Good synopsis, OTWO. For some reason it bothered me that Moses was punished so harshly for mispeaking when he took credit for providing water.

    The real deal breaker for me was the flip flops on sexual practices/divorce grounds, etc. in the late '70s when I was an elder. You would not believe the hours I spent in committee meetings about eating p----- and sucking c---. Telling women they couldn't divorce their homosexual husbands, etc This stuff was right on the heels of the '75 no show. It dawned on me rather suddenly that it was ALL a crock of baloney.

  • flipper

    Too many things to recount

  • 83501nwahs

    I was completely consumed with guilt and shame over masturbation. Also, that shame carried over to complicate many of my relationships. That guilt is a life ruiner.

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