If so, how often.
Do you still attend the memorial?
I never go, ever, and haven't been to a memorial in about 6 years (been too long to accurately remember) - I'm too far gone.
by shamus100 41 Replies latest jw friends
If so, how often.
Do you still attend the memorial?
I never go, ever, and haven't been to a memorial in about 6 years (been too long to accurately remember) - I'm too far gone.
Not me.
No meetings in 4 years. Nada, zilch. Not DA'd nor DF'd.
Just faded off into the sunset. Only contact with jw's is my older son, shame.
I'm so regular you could call me Prune Man.
We use any excuse to ditch a meeting, sickness, school activities, vacations, entertainment events, etc.
But we're still very regular.
I haven't been to a memorial in 12 years! The last time I stepped foot in a KH was in 2o00 for a funeral. That was my last lesson: never goto a KH for ANYTHING - including weddings and funerals.
I will cave when my Mom brings up the CA and DC.....but only becuase I never fully attend anyways and love lounging by the pool with my kids & undisciplined JW mommy friends.....It basically becomes an apostate fest anyways.
I want to avoid the memorial at all cost now......hope I can 'stay firm' under her guilt trip.
As of June 2, the only way I will step into another KH meetings is if my Elders reneg on our agreement and I have to make their lives hell!
.............but I have lazy shadetree shepherds so it is highly unlikely I will see the inside of the place ever again.
Haven't been to a meeting since 1987 (I think). The last memorial I went to was in 1989 (with my then df'd exboyfriend). The last time I stepped inside a kingdom hall was in 2001 for my grandfather's sales meeting...err memorial.
The last meeting I went to was the "special" talk in April 2003.
Not anymore. I started fading at the beginning of last year, then just quit altogether in june.
Never again! The last time I was in a Kingdom Hall was in 1998.