How Many Here Still Attend Meetings Sometimes?
by shamus100 41 Replies latest jw friends
Not Feeling It
I go when the family comes to town to keep the peace. Family visits about twice a year.
I go every memorial.
Other than that, I MIGHT go to one regular meeting a year.
I'm in the same situation as OpenMind. I assist to all the meetings .
All of my family is still inside, and I need to be inside to try to help them open their eyes.
Awakened at Gilead
Once I fully realized that JWs are a fake religion on 3-29-08 I decided to never go again. Now I'm DA'd.
Never goin back.... ever...
Mickey mouse
Sometimes? Try most times.
twice per week -yes
Octarine Prince
"Get out of her, my people...."
I felt bad about missing my second Memorial, but then I really started my healing processing, and cleaned out the lies and guilt.
Don't go to those meetings if at all possible. They slow your growth. -
Wordly Andre
Hell every chance I get!!, in fact I'm at the meeting right now shh elder dickhead is talking! ha ha ha NAH I think the last time I attend for anything other than a funeral was back in 1991ish