Terry - shame on you for being such a skeptic of well founded conspiricy plots.
Everybody knows that the NFL has never given the Cowboys a fair call ever since Kennedy was killed in Dealy Plaza.
by Sirona 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Terry - shame on you for being such a skeptic of well founded conspiricy plots.
Everybody knows that the NFL has never given the Cowboys a fair call ever since Kennedy was killed in Dealy Plaza.
Terry - shame on you for being such a skeptic of well founded conspiricy plots.
Everybody knows that the NFL has never given the Cowboys a fair call ever since Kennedy was killed in Dealy Plaza.
In the last 15 years you'd be surprised at how many people in separate encounters have told me they personally know of somebody who confessed to shooting JFK!!
If we add up all the shooters in Dealy Plaza that day---it is a miracle anybody survived!!
(p.s. Vincent Bugliosi has written the most wonderful book putting an end to conspiracy in the JFK assassaination. Go to your local library and thumb through it.)
Terry, I might just hunt that one down - I remember reading his book on the Charles Manson cult killings years ago. It is about time to make a run to Half Price Books.
Isn't it interesting that many of these weirdo believers cannot seem to pick and choose between their various theories?
Most of them I know buy into every single one of them - Area 51, Moon Landing was done with 1/32 scale models in an Arizona warehouse, Martin Luther King was done in by the FBI, Hitler is still alive somewhere in the Amazon Jungle...on and on and on...
And they actually will get mad at you if you express the slightest doubt over any of it!
I thought that some might find this historical information interesting.
Nicholas Tesla, recently described by a historian of science as 'the ultimate visionary crank,' was a Serbian Croat who became a naturalized American. There he patented some seven hundred inventions including fluorescent lights and the Tesla coil that generates an alternating current. Like Newton's most important breakthroughts, this last arose out of his belief in an etheric dimension between the mental and physical planes.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centruies many leading scientists thought it worthwhile to pursue a scientific approach to occult phenomena, believeing that it would ultimately be possible to measure and predict occult forces such as theric currents that seemed only a shade more elusive than electromagnetism, sound waves or x rays. Thomas Edison , inventor of the phonograph and therefore the godfather of all recorded sound, and Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, both supposed that psychic phenomen were perfectly respectable areas of research for science, involving htemselves in esoteric Freemasonry and theosophy. Edison tried to make a radio that would tune into the spirit worlds. Their great scientific discoveries arose out of their research into the supernatural. Even the television was invented as a result of trying to capture psychic influences on gases fluctuating in front of a cathode ray tube.
Charles Darwin attended seances. He may have had the opportunity to learn the esoteric doctrine of the evolution from fish to amphibian to land animal to human from his close association with Max Muller, early translater of sacred Sanskrit texts.
Giordano Bruno is a great hero of science because he was burned at the stkae in 1600 for insisting that the solar system is heliocentric. But as we have already seen, this was because he believed fervently in the ancient wisdom of the Egyptians. He believed that the eart goes around the sun because , in the first instance so to did the initiate priests of the ancient world.
The Secret History of the World by Jonathan Black
Science and the so called 'occult' have much to connect them in history and perhaps our own history is far more convoluted in mystery than we can imagine.
We all need to open our minds, of course not so much that our brains fall out, but enough to understand that if we do not take into account other people's experiences then we may well lose many possible experiences ourselves.
Since studying constantly for the last five years, all I can say is that it is easier to mock than it is to listen.
To study the esoteric history of the world is, though understanding that it is important not to blindly believe mythology, mysticism, esoteric beliefs etc, but to understand that everything has its roots in some sort of fact.
Many of us laugh at the story of Noah's flood which we blindly believed as JWs and yet, the ice age did end, and there was unusual flooding in many parts of the Earth including Mesopotamia and hence a story was born which though not factually correct in cause did contain grains of truth.
The scientists mentioned above were able to visualise occult beliefs and therefore envision and give birth to scientific inventions that should make us at least ponder on what else we have yet to discover and understand.
The years ahead should open the door to quantum physics science a little furthur and who knows what we may then accept that we cannot accept now.
To those who are sceptical on any and everything, I say good, as you should be. But don't close your mind so much that you cannot imagine what the great visionarys and scientists of the past were able to imagine and so produce, and so seal of another dimension of thought and imagination than in itself is a life enhancing miracle.
I recommend the above book to anyone who would like to experience the world from another angle. Once read, the above book will make you look at the world in another way....a way you will never forget and will be life enhancing as well as totally enlightening. After reading it, you will NEVER look at the world in the same way again.
And, don't forget the alchemists and their quest to turn lead into gold. (which actually is theoretically possible on a minute scale in such circumstances as a particle collider). Tesla was certainly not the only "mad genius" to have made remarkable scientific achievements.
Remember, at the time Tesla was starting his work, most scientists believed that the sun was powered by it's own gravitational collapse rather than nuclear reactions. Morphine was considered a miracle drug of unlimited benefits, and Radium was considered to be a health cure, resulting in many tragic cases of cancer.
Marie Curie's original notebooks from this era are still so radioactive to this day that they are kept behind a thick protective barrier in a museum.
But the thing with proper science is, all of the ideas are eventually filtered down to a base of reality.
I think we may have to someday do the same critical review on "dark matter", "dark energy", and much of today's nebulous "string theory".
No matter how much you state that you are waiting for science to catch up (as I often do) some people will still consider that anyone who believes anything not proven in a lab is an idiot, or deluded. Its just something I've come to accept.
Simon and other ridiculers - why can't you even accept scientific evidence when its provided? Its almost as though you're resistant to actual evidence, when actual evidence is what you claim to be looking for
Your evidence has proven one thing to me ... there really is someone born every minute.
You see an ever so slight increase in results on a 50/10 bet. Wow. It would be wierd if you got an exact 50/50 split of results and things like this are easily fudged. Computers do not generate tuly random result very easily which can skew results (if you naively ask a computer for a random number then you get the same set of random numbers every time).
Also, as this 'researcher' has such a vested interest in a positive result it isn't that amazing that the result is just that. What they don't tell you is how many times they repeated the study and got no result or negative results ... ignoring those produces just the effect they are looking for and something for the followers to quote to nasty skeptics eh?
That is why investigators are seeking funding for experimentation.
They want money, what a surprise. I think the money would be better spent on genuine science that could actually benefit people.
Why don't they spend their own money generated from their books?
What they don't tell you is how many times they repeated the study and got no result or negative results ... ignoring those produces just the effect they are looking for and something for the followers to quote to nasty skeptics eh?
Actually, Simon, they do. This particular study has documented cases of the instances where there was a non-significant result (conducted by others). Still taking into account these studies and adding them together cumulatively, there is an overall statistically significant result.
You ask for scientific experiments to support assertions and I provide them. If you can't accept it then that is your error, not mine.
These studies (and others like them) are conducted with all scientific controls in place. They allow for chance and they allow for randomness of results. They show a significant positive result. The only reason you won't accept them is because it disturbs you to have to admit that something like ESP could exist.
Other scientifically accepted *facts* have been established on less evidence and with less replication - and they are accepted because the skeptics like how it sounds.
quantum physics is a fascinating subject and it is underfunded imo.
I think the money would be better spent on genuine science that could actually benefit people.
I doubt that respected university scientists could give a rats arse what you think they should do with their funding.
Do you think that you can decide what scientific discoveries the world should be focusing on?
Rather than welcoming knowledge you seem to want to control what is discovered in case the results upset you. That is intellectually dishonest.