The Watchtower Society is a group of Mystics.
They are a priesthood unlike the usual priesthood of gurus, shaman and such.
Most Mystics are "attuned" to mysterious "energies" "auras" "spirits" and channels which are thought acceptable by the listening audience because of commonly held tribal beliefs or myths.
The Watchtower Mystics resort to making a kind of Pseudo-Science out of their theology. But, be aware! It is nothing more than a sham cover from the real source of their beliefs: pure imagination.
Step One consists of disabling confidence in the standard Church interpretations of bible teachings and verses. This is, frankly, easy to do. Most believers don't really study Greek, Hebrew, Latin, etc. Most believers just go along with what everybody else says. The Watchtower proceeds to point out the errors of mistranslation, deceits of scribes, pagan traditions and such. This stops the average church goer dead in their tracks.
Step Two consists of substituting their own brand of imaginative nonsense IN PLACE OF Christendom's imaginative nonsense. The newly converted JW accepts this because Step One undermined their faith and left them trusting the source of the debunking. (I.e. The Watchtower)
Step Three consists of sending converts out to "teach" the doctrine, thus, making them OWN it and take a personal interest in avoiding any dissonance disproofs. To accept debunking of their "new found Truth" is to destroy their world view anew.
The Watchtower does not really support their theology with the Bible. They support their theology with confidence in the Mystical Governing Body (FDS theory) and FEAR that not doing so results in being murdered by God's angels at the ever-imminent Armageddon.