Sisters with Kleenex on their head

by LearningMore 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mulan

    I remember paper napkins on sister's heads in their homes, when I was a child.

    I also remember a WT article where they said not to use things that aren't true head coverings. It should be a hat or a scarf. Evidently the napkin, paper towel route is not acceptable.

    OTWO....Thanks for correcting me. I have to say in all my years I, too, never heard any JW call the org. "Mother"....ever!

    I've heard that as long as I can remember and my parents became JW's when I was 4. "Mother" was the term for the organization.............or "our mother" "we have a letter from mother", etc.

  • Finally-Free

    I've heard the watchtower refer to itself as "Jehovah's wifelike organization" and to the annointedâ„¢ as the "bride of Christ". Maybe that's what the term "mother" refers to.


  • Quandary

    Interestingly, the last CO visit we had, the CO stated in our elders meeting that we should NOT be using the term "our mother says". He used to use it all the time in his talks, but NO more. Evidently, this is a directive from "mother". She is tired of caring for all these "needy" kids!


  • Quandary

    Babygirl75- We were in a very upscale neighborhood too! I remember trying to control my laughter, it was the weirdest thing I ever saw up to that point in my life.

  • chickpea

    i have definitely seen the "napkin" fallback for a pioneer sister stuck with the service group when there were no bubbas around to conduct

    i have to date myself here by saying i recall from my years in catholicism (basically birth to 18) that even as a child i had to either wear my beanie ( part of the parochial school unuform for girls) to daily mass or a "chapel cap" to sunday mass....

    i bet any "mature" woman who went to catholic school can tell ya.... the nuns used a bobby pin to secure a tissue to your head if ya showed up without a beanie..... a huge no-no was to try to get away with a bare head.... those old cranky old biddies would drag ya out of the pew and rag on your @ss all the way to the vestibule

    chapel cap

    my mother wore the style call "mantilla" (man TEE ya)

  • Quirky1

    D#mn funny thread!

  • loosie
    I have actually witnessed them using a clean disposable diaper!!

    OMG that is showing god a whole lotta respect. lmbo.

    My mom used to put a kleenex on her head when praying if my df'd brothers were present.

    I remember hearing that the reason for a woman covering her head was that when the angels liked looking at the daughters of men it was their hair that did it for the angels. So when we pray we need to cover our head so we don't turn on the angels.


  • loosie

    I call them mother. Mother F***er

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Regarding "Mother", here is some information from the book 'VINDICATION' published in 1931 pg.158--"The father represents Jehovah, from whom comes every good thing, while the mother represents God's organization,used for his good purposes and to his glory".

  • loosie

    We all know what Mother and Father do behind closed doors.

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