Sisters with Kleenex on their head

by LearningMore 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    Where mother came from.

    *** Watchtower 1961 July 15 pp.431-2 Become Activated by the Spirit of Jehovah ***

    6 From a study of God’s Word one appreciates that Jehovah does not dispense his dynamic energy through just any organization that chooses to label itself religious. Neither does God deal with individuals independently of his own wifely organization, the "mother" of all those dedicated to God. (Gal. 4:26) He has always had His channel of communication on earth through which his spirit operates. Remember how Miriam and Aaron tried to bypass this channel and almost lost their lives as a result? Only after Jesus had been baptized by Jehovah’s representative did he receive holy spirit and strength to enable him to do his powerful works. (Num. 12:1-16; Matt. 3:16; Acts 10:38) By and through this holy spirit Jesus aided those associated with him so they could understand the truth, and so they too could receive power to "cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel demons." Thus is emphasized the importance of association with Jehovah’s organization.-Matt. 10:8; Luke 24:45; 1 Cor. 2:10

  • brunnhilde

    Yep, been there, done that. I remember being ragged on in Pioneer School about making sure as a sister you were prepared with an "appropriate and respectful" head covering. Yeah, make sure you've got something to degrade yourself with since you're not acceptable talking to God unless you've got dangly bits. Whatever.

    My dad ALWAYS referred to the WTB&TS as "Mother." Now you're not even supposed to refer to it as the "Society." It's the "organization" or the "slave" or whatever vomitous term of hypocrisy is in vogue at the moment.


  • jgnat

    I have it on good authority that we are no longer to refer to it as the "organization", but rather the "society". Thus proclaimed my JW hubby a few months back.

  • Amy10606

    I am a younger one and I remember the kleenex! At the hall in the library there was a bright pink scarf that was left there for such occasions. I saw the kleenex at a sisters house one saturday for field service, i remember wondering why she couldn't at least find something made of fabric in her own house to put on her head. Heck, I have scarves, but I wear them folded up as a headband, not like an old maid.

    I love the car mat idea... I'm still giggleing about that one...

  • NewYork44M

    My mother would put a Kleenex on her head when, as a baptized teenager, I would accompany her on bible studies.

    God, I miss my mother.

    And I heard many time the org called "mother." Never mummy, or moms, but Mother, definitely - Yes.

  • journey-on
    Before we started wallking around the block, his mom took the FLOOR MAT from the passenger side and put it on her head to pray! I kid you not.

    I just saw this and am ROFLMAO!! Some of these people are so fanantical it borders on insanity. (My sides are hurting laughing at this visual)

  • blondie
    *** w98 3/15 p. 19 par. 4 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach."

    Actually, I was told that if I studied with a couple, husband and wife, I did not have to wear a head covering because he was not baptized.

  • Dagney

    (Okay...that about the car mat is just hilarious!!)

    Sometimes you forget these things don't you! And now being out, don't they just seem like the most ridiculous things ever? And trying to "explain" them to new ones or your studies...that was always such a challenge.

    Nuts I tell you!

  • BFD

    A car mat?!?! Come on, even Jehovah had to laugh at that one!



  • Quandary

    I have LOLd so many times today as I remember that day with with sister Margaret. Although odd, she was very intelligent and a genuine person. I felt very bad when I heard all the bad things that happened to this lady. The main reason her husband left her was this d--mn religion! He couldn't take all of her absences from family gatherings, christmas, easter, mother's day, birthdays, etc...


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