For the Sisters: Were you ever happy you couldn't have male "privileges"?

by Open mind 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • independent_tre

    LOL This thread is hilarious..

    Jealous of male privileges! NOOOO WAY!!! Not even close. The brothers are so overworked and in short supply, I would never want those responsibilities. And the end of the meeting, I might help clean for 5 minutes, but after that, I outta there...

    Although we do have our share of "Elderettes". If anything is not to their liking or they don't like someone, they run and complain to their elder husbands, and it will be the feature of next month's local needs....

  • Bangalore



  • sizemik

    I got my first taste of institutionalised abuse at a young age . . . everything was meticulously "tiered" and where you "stood" was directly proportional to the violence you received.

    I saw the same hierarchial structure after a time in the KH and was resentful of it from an early stage.

    I actually envied the sisters at times . . . just wasn't good-looking enough to wear a dress.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton
    " the men are here to serve us"


  • LongHairGal


    I never desired or coveted any so-called 'male' privileges or any other title when I was associated with the religion. I was content to just be myself. I thought it was rather silly, really, that anybody even wanted these so-called privileges.

    What I did have a problem with was when the 'brothers' tried to overstep their boundaries and thought they would insinuate themselves into my personal business OR tried to insult my intelligence.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I wanted all the privileges. I studied hard and applied myself to everything I was told to. I wanted to go to Bethel and be used and needed. Sisters aren't really needed that much.

    But as time passed and my interest in playing along faded, I was grateful I didn't have to get up on the stage every week. I went with some friends one sunday to a distant cong. where the bro was assigned the talk. We had to get up at 5 and drive into the mountains, then have hospitality, then drive home. It was a long, exhausting day. I always thought I wanted to be married to an elder but not after that.

    As to judicial committees, I knew I wouldn't want to be on those. I can't go on treating people the same after I know they are idiots.

  • C6H12O6

    Yes and here are my reasons:

    - Less work, Less stress

    - I don't have to worry about not being qualified for these male "privileges" or getting snubbed of them.

    - There's no one "encouraging" me to take up these male "privileges" or make these male "privileges" as my spiritual goals.

    - There's no elders threatening to take away these male "privileges."

    - If a relative gets DF or DA, then I don't have to worry about losing these male "privileges."

    - Without these male "privileges," I'm not under pressure to set a good example for the congregation.

    - Also, being an single female sister with no privileges or titles made my fading easier.

    Once I heard that sisters will have an easier time adjusting to the new system because they're so humble and submissive.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith
    Once I heard that sisters will have an easier time adjusting to the new system because they're so humble and submissive.

    So that means paradise is just going to be one long exercise in humiliation and obedience? wow. One more reason to leave the WTS.

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