Ghandi was a very wise man! There is so much good in life, so much that we lost out on in our youth as
JWs, but there is still a whole world out there that is caring and kind and good. But we have to be looking
for it itstead of looking for all the evil. We find what we look for. It is the law of attraction.
We all feel anger and bitterness when we first leave the WT. We feel so betrayed. It is hard to forgive, because
of the things that have happened to us in the name of Jehovah and the things that are still being done. However,
I believe that the key to our healing is being able to forgive. I watched a 20/20 show last night that talked about
this. I saw a woman choose to forgive a man who killed her daughter and unborn child. She did this for her grandson (it was his father)
Forgiveness is not for other people it is for us. When we harbor unforgiveness in our hearts it leads to bitterness.
I heard this saying and I believe it is true. "When we harbor bitterness in our heart, it is like taking poison and expecting
the other person to die". Our unforgiveness only hurts us.
I think that people have an unreal belief about what forgiveness is. Many feel that they have to associated with or put
themselves in the lives of people that they forgive. I do not think that this is what forgiveness is. I think forgiveness is letting
go of the person or group that has hurt us. As long as we hold anger and bitterness in our hearts, that person/org. controls us.
We have to let go in order to get on with our lives.