Oh man, I remember, how can I forget. I don't know if it happens elsewhere but where I was there seemed to be a shortage of young bros. So just about every time I went out witnessing with someone's mom who just so happened to have a daughter sitting on her ass somewhere at home and then all of a sudden, almost by magic conversation would turn from "holy" stuff toward more earthbound like how great her daugher is and how lucky would be a guy who marries her... (talk about business transactions of arranged marriages)
I hoped it was just me imaganing but I had distinct feeling even one married one had hots at one time. In another occassion my mom heard about another one who needed 'needed counseling' ... but I'm not sure exactly what happened so better won't say anything. But you get the drill.
Unfortunately I'd say now, as a good dub it used to piss me off that between the doors people would talk about sorts of crap and then put up a smile if suddenly someone actually opened the door. I remember commenting once at the WT that if that is the case we should really take a stopwatch and record only time we actually spoke at the door because considering all the 'rubbish' we talked in between could not possibly count that as a "holy service" Predictably that didn't go down very well lol.