Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Are Truly Happy?

by StAnn 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Casper

    I know for a fact that "I wasn't ".

    As for my congregation, Once they walked "OUT" the Kingdom Hall doors and back to their lives, I never saw such a sad depressed bunch of people in my life...!!

    We were too burdened and pushed too hard to try and measure up.


  • av8orntexas

    I thought I was......No car, no money,but I was knocking down doors 100 hrs a month, and I answered at all the meetings, and I made sure to as wholesome as possible,and toiled and toiled and toiled. But I've started to realize I was going nowhere.

    There was more pressure to a title, MS, Elder, Gilead, Bethel.

    I can say I know many young ones probably weren't. I'm sure more than a few felt they HAD too,or it was hit the bricks kid. I can't see putting your child out for that.

  • UnConfused

    How many humans do you think are truly happy? It's not just a JW issue.

  • wannabfree

    I wasn't. And if the others were I wondered..., why so much gossip? so much depression and anxiety disorders, etc... seems that many emabraced various labels, maybe (to explain inadequacy) needing an excuse one way or the other for not meeting the same high standards of others in their works of faith, ie, mtg attendance, being on the TMS, ministry, conducting studeis, etc (any 'lack' perceived could be more easily overlooked if you had an "illness.")

    on the comment, "most people in the world aren't happy" I have a question.

    But do they know and maintain a personal relationship with the most high over all the earth, JEHOVAH? If there should be no difference in these 2 mental states, (those who are "in" with god and those who don't know God) then why bother? Does it make sense that we shoud feel no better, no happier for serving the "happy god"? Are we in no way advantaged?

    Personally, I wonder in hindsight, how anyone could have all "gods righteous requirements" to meet over their head, all these works of faith to perform steadily, sacrifice all the world has to offer, holidays (which some of us enjoy), higher education, our choice of friends and mates, hobbies, etc... and all this doing "just so" to "probably be concealed i nthe day of his anger" how could they be truly happy. Thinking about your odds consciously has to dampen the spirit a bit. At the very least,would certainly help explain the mental and emotional disorders so ocmmon among god's happy people.

    Just a thought.

  • StAnn

    Wow, what varied answers and opinions!

    I would find it hard to believe that most people in the world aren't happy. The people I know now have a genuine joy in their lives, their achievements, their families that would be foreign to a JW. But maybe I just selectively choose only positive people to be part of my life.

  • flipper

    ST ANN- I think that Jehovah's Witnesses perhaps put on a smile to people when they are at the Kingdom Hall - but I saw many instances of very unhappy people in their home life ! The problem with them is they are always looking to the future promises to make them happy, and that is living in fantasy land ! They are told from that one scripture in Ecclesiastes : " Better is the house of mourning than the house of rejoicing ". So it's like they are programmed to not enjoy life RIGHT NOW, because things will be better in the paradise ! It truly is a tiring, sick way of looking at life

  • moshe

    Happy JW's are like UFO's- we have all heard of them, but nobody we talk to has actually seen one! JW's need to take of the dark glasses and be honest with themselves. They have been miserable for their entire life and just don't want to see that they are not happy at all.

  • Gayle

    They may have limited happiness. They don't have to be truly happy in this world but wait till the new world (when everyone else is destroyed) then they can be truly happy!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    How many humans do you think are truly happy? It's not just a JW issue.

    Just what I was thinking! There are 'truly' happy people both in and out, just as there are some very unhappy people in both arenas.

    Its life as a whole, your outlook and what you do with it all that makes the difference.
  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I think you have to remember that witnesses are very good at compartmentalising and putting the happy face on. If you asked anyone in my congregation if they thought I was happy they'd probably say yes.


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